How to completely transform your life with the PBA Life Planner/High performance diary.

How to completely transform your life with the PBA Life Planner/High performance diary.

Here are our top tips on how to use your PBA diary/Life Planner to its full potential to ensure you live your best life!


In a world of digital tools this diary takes us back to the power and magic of putting pen to paper. You cannot replace this remarkable magic.


This diary/ life planner is the tool you need to ensure you don’t waste a precious second of your life.


Every minute that goes by, your life is getting shorter and your remaining time becomes scarcer and more valuable.


All the money in the world cant buy you more time! Time is your most valuable resource.


Your life is made up of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years.


WIGIG! When its gone, its gone! You cant get it back! Not one single second!


If you want to live a great life, you need to be very deliberate about how you spend your time.


This world is filled with average and mediocrity. Only a very small % live a fulfilling and meaningful life. Which category are you in?


The average human mindlessly scrolls through over 300 feet of social media posts every day.


This same average human also spends an average of 4 to 5 hours in front of a TV screen every day.


A huge % of this world (maybe as high as 90%) ?whittle their precious life away either staring at their phone, checking their phone or glued to one screen or another.


Every time you lose your self control to check your phone or some other valueless activity, you have squandered another valuable moment.


Every time you do this you are shortening your life.


This is terribly tragic and an indescribable waste.


The goal every day should be to invest more of your time on value adding activity than the day before. Is this true of you?


Don’t make excuses, make changes. Anyone can make excuses, but it takes courage to make changes.


If you do the hard things each day (eg using your life planner), life will get easier. If you just take the easy path each day (eg fail to use your planner), life gets harder. So, choose your “hard” wisely.


The PBA diary/ life transformer is the ultimate tool to help you plan and record your time and therefore, your life.



  1. First, read the pages in the front of the diary to gain an understanding.
  2. Next watch the video (scan the QR code) on how to use the diary to manage your time and life.
  3. Invest 30 minutes every Sunday to review your life goals, review the tools in the diary and fully plan your week ahead. (sometimes I invest up to an hour on this which gives me great clarity and purpose)
  4. When you plan your week, block out things like: family time, improvement time, learning time, sales time, marketing time, fitness time etc.
  5. Also be sure to review your ACTUAL columns from the previous week. Where did your time actually go? Did you stick to your plan? Did you achieve your most important goals? If not, why not?
  6. Review the Power questions page and write down your answers in your journal.
  7. Review your daily routine and make improvements/ tweaks.
  8. Make notes (on the Sunday page) of ways you will improve your time management/habits/productivity this week.
  9. Review the 9 point Best life tips page.
  10. At the start of a new month, plan out the whole month. Book in all your regular meetings and improvement time, learning time, family time etc.
  11. At the start of a new year, block out your key monthly activities for family and business eg school holidays, off site strategy meetings etc.
  12. Download and set up the apps that I recommend in the diary.
  13. Don’t get stuck on perfection. Just aim to get 1% better each day. Production THEN perfection. Imperfect action is a million times better than perfect inaction.


As the days go by you will get better and better at planning your days, weeks, months and years for maximum productivity and life enjoyment/fulfilment.

It is a continuous improvement process.


Enjoy your PBA Diary/Life Planner! Use it to transform your life and the lives of those around you!


And like always, I love and appreciate your feedback, please email your improvement ideas for next years diary to [email protected]


Thank You!


Bernard and the team at Premier Business Academy.


Bernard Powell

Founder at Premier Group NZ - Winners of Best workplace NZ??Keynote speaker?? Lets build a better NZ!

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Bernard Powell

Founder at Premier Group NZ - Winners of Best workplace NZ??Keynote speaker?? Lets build a better NZ!

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