How will companies convince the public to take Covid19 vaccine?
Pfizer's announcement of UK emergency approval of its Covid-19 vaccine which could be rolled out as next week is undoubtedly welcome. But this daunting task of immunizing the world population has just begun. Vaccines are only effective once substantial number of people take them – and persuading them to do just is not only a huge marketing challenge for the pharmaceutical firms, but also an uphill task for the healthcare agencies working with them.
A recent study published in The Lancet found that declining confidence in vaccines has stymied inoculation efforts, and in some cases led to “surges“ in cases of vaccine-preventable diseases such as measles. Last year, the World Health Organisation (WHO) even named vaccine hesitancy as one of the top 10 threats to global health. Another poll by Ipsos Mori last week in the UK showed that 28% of 18-34 year-olds would not take a vaccine if offered one. The current trend clearly indicates that the task for government and health services, is that of 'a broad & holistic education' about coronavirus vaccines. It will be also critical in parts where where English is not the primary language, or where cultural or religious concerns regarding vaccine ingredients may lead to hesitation.
Lee Fraser, CMO at Digitas Health since 2014, outlines the scale of the challenge saying: “In order for vaccines to be successful in ending the pandemic, we will need to get vaccination rates into the mid-70% range at a minimum. In a climate where we have seen a decline in the public’s belief in science and erosion of fact in favour of social and public opinion, studies suggest only 60% of people are currently willing to get a vaccine. We clearly need to drive trust to get to herd immunity and end the pandemic."
Overcoming vaccine hesitancy and Covid-19 skepticism will mean shoring up public trust in the pharmaceutical industry and a public health infrastructure that, in many countries this year, has been found wanting.
Corporate Reputation & PR
Looking towards the coming campaigns for Covid-19 vaccines, Claire Gillis, CEO of WPP Health says the agency‘s role will be crucial. While it‘s up to the clients to produce the vaccines, “our job is to make sure that it‘s packaged in the right way so that you communicate the right things". Currently, they have been working on some of the biggest public health communications efforts in the world this year through thousands of influencers – from celebrity names to micro and even virtual influencers – to encourage better hand-washing and accessible hygiene methods. She also goes on to predict that brand power & loyalty will be driven by Corporate image rather than individual vaccine brands - for example, doctors will refer to the candidate as either Pfizer vaccine or AstraZeneca shot!
One issue that may complicate vaccine marcom campaigns is the public perception of pharmaceutical companies themselves. Despite their role in creating life-saving vaccines, companies such as Pfizer and Moderna are not entirely altruistic enterprises – a fact underlined by Pfizer‘s share price, which has grown since it announced its vaccine progress in November. That tension may further complicate the job of communicating vaccine benefits to the public.
To that effect, Pfizer has launched its first-ever brand campaign earlier in the summer, anchored on the tagline ‘Science will win'. It‘s full of inspiring shots of white-coated lab staff working into the night, with a voiceover intoning: “The entire global scientific community is working together to beat this thing. When science wins, we all win."
Is it an attempt to change consumer perception about pharma profiteering from health issues - you decide? I believe, better public understanding of the scientific rigor & process behind vaccine production, coupled with the financial risks borne by drugmakers and the huge collaboration effort (with universities & government agencies) that has happened behind the scenes – can help to re-establish pharma giants image.
However, she believes that greater public awareness . “There are no other industries that plough so much into development for so little return.
Consumer is the King
Gillis continues to say "Storytelling is as central to healthcare marketing as it is to any FMCG brand", and in the US, pharma companies will be able to communicate the benefits of their vaccine to consumers directly through a robust media presence. However, challenges lies in countries where pharmaceutical advertising is restricted, & marketers need to consider alternate routes to reach audience. She points to a recent appearance by the chief executive of BioNTech, professor Ugur Sahin, on BBC1‘s The Andrew Marr Show as more valuable than any glossy video production. “People want to hear about other people. Understanding and harnessing the power behind storytelling will be the central persuasive marketing tool as pharma and governments roll-out the vaccine.“
Digitas‘s Fraser compares traditional pharma advertising with seasonal flu campaigns. “The former is all about communicating the science, safety and efficacy, while the latter is more direct activation; in some states, flu vaccine manufacturers partner with drug stores to offer incentives to consumers that trigger their ability to be vaccinated.“
Gillis suggests that, even in restricted markets, pharmaceutical messaging will adopt a new tone – speaking to the public not as patients, but as consumers. She argues medical advertisers everywhere need to catch-up with changed public attitudes to healthcare, which emphasise choice and adaptability even in markets with state providers, such as Britain.
“Pharma now understands that it needs to adopt more of an FMCG mindset – opening two-way dialogues to help uncover relevant, relatable and useful healthcare solutions,“ says Gillis. “This focus on listening is critical and will be incredibly important not only when marketing the new vaccines, but also in promoting vaccine acceptance within our communities.
I feel we need more voice assistant device, AI, chatbot as essential toolkits to enable & successfully drive vaccination compliance across geographies.
Social Media Influencers
Social media was largely unavailable as a channel to pharma marketers in the past. Can Instagrammers and YouTubers help bridge the science & culture gap?
Lee from Digitas shares a telling insight about the power of social media “In a time when the most trusted source of news and content is people in your peer group, we think the ultimate measure of public trust in a medical brand is when people — not necessarily vaccine manufacturers or government authorities — recommend it to friends, family or followers."
So, relying on influencers, even unusual ones, makes sense. An Ipsos Mori poll found that the professions chiefly tasked with informing the public about Covid-19 vaccines – government ministers, politicians, marketers and journalists – were also the professions least trusted to tell the truth.
A similar rationale has led to a series of live-streamed Q&As organised by WPP Health Practice with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). The sessions see prominent scientists quizzed on the ideas behind pandemic responses and contribute to the fight against vaccine misinformation. Recent research by the LSHTM suggests misinformation has had an active role in increasing vaccine hesitancy among the public. Prof. Heidi Larson explains: “Misinformation plays into existing anxieties and uncertainty around new vaccines, as well as the new platforms that are being used to develop them. This threatens to undermine the levels of vaccine acceptance required."
For those curious about to how marketers and stakeholders will persuade the public to take the Covid-19 vaccine next year, a campaign by M&C Saatchi released in October may hold a few clues. Produced for the NHS and Public Health England, the ‘Just the Flu‘ campaign aimed to get as many adults to get a flu shot as possible. The spot underlines the danger posed by the flu to individuals and the community and utilizes the trusted figure of an NHS nurse.
How marketers approach, analyze and ultimately overcome the challenge of persuading the public to get vaccinated will likely hold lessons for future trust-building campaigns (in the healthcare sector and far beyond). But while the rewards will likely be great, the risks of failure are just as big. The big draw will come from successfully convincing the general public that it is not just about personal health, but collective survival motto. As Gillis concludes: “Vaccines only work if people take them. And people only take vaccines if they trust them."