How to Communicate to Heal Broken Relationships
Ryan Pride (Ph.D.)
Strategic Advisor to Fortune 500 / Fractional CHRO // Sr. Partner, the Moksha Group - a Strategy Execution + Culture Consultancy
Your relationships will determine the quality of your life.??
The quality of your relationships will determine the quality of your life.???
When we die, it is our relationships we will be thinking about on our deathbed.??
Money, success, luxuries of home and hearth … these will fade.?? Our relationships will be our legacy, our source of regret if we have any, and also the reasons we lived it right if we did.??Our relationships are our measure of success.
Few things impact your relationships more than language.??
How we communicate is how we relate, connect, and experience one another’s worlds.??
And most of us don't know how to communicate.?? We know how to talk. We do not know how to communicate. Message sent does not = message received.
Language is the tool that has birthed societies.??
Due to language, civilization was made possible.??
Language separates us from our animal counterparts even if we do share base-level awareness and consciousness of our dogs and cats.?? Lord knows I've wanted to understand what my dog is really thinking, and I think I'm close, but he never spits out the words... instead, I just get the eyeballs and my projections. ?
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is the most lame expression, albeit an important one for seven-year-old protection on the playground.?? They do break you ... down to your bones. Words can destroy.?? Wars have been fought over poor word choices.?? Relationships have been broken due to words.?? Words said in anger in marriages are remembered for years and the fractures are sometimes unhealable.??? I can still hear the words from horrible fights in my head. Words do immeasurable damage.??
Language can be beautiful.
Words can heal.??
Words can transport us to unimaginable places.?
Words may be our greatest and most significant detours in the evolutionary process.?? Neuroscientists believe that our modern brains developed primarily due to language.??Language distinguishes humans from other species, offering a complex system for communication that extends beyond basic survival needs. Unlike animals, humans use language to convey abstract concepts, emotions, and laws, and … to create Starbucks.??
Effective communication is crucial in relationships and in success, and yet our time in school is spent on complicated mathematics and even learning to make biscuits.? Is that only in the South?? We had biscuit classes.??? Why didn’t we learn how to communicate?? Why didn’t we learn about differences and how to cross the divide of the ego?
That’s it. That's the rub. That's the chasm to cross.?? Difference.? ?The root of the problem is difference.??
No human has the same face, hand-writing style, vascular patterns, voice timbre, fingerprint, iris, the same DNA sequence, the same lines on their feet.???
We are all different, and this difference creates threat.? The Ego is a unique entity in that its primary goal is unity.? The Ego was designed in the Unity principle, like all things.?? We are all One Love, as Bob says.?? The Ego wants us all to be One.?
Its method for impact is simple: if you think like me, we’ll be friends.?? But if you think differently than me, then we can't be ok.? We can't be friends.??
Human beings are inherently diverse.? There is one Earth and 8 billion different worlds happening at the same time, and such is the miracle of God.?? It truly is amazing.?? We can all see the same situation, same movie, same play, or listen to the same song and have wildly different perceptions of it. ?Point blank: difference is often seen as a threat to our nervous system.?
The ego's fear of difference can lead to a breakdown in communication and a sense of insecurity.? We try to control others’ narratives.? We don’t accept theirs.? We interrupt, talk over, manipulate, coerce, blame, shame, and avoid.?? We cannot seem to hold the Unity principle when there is diversity.?? The Ego feels – “if you don’t think like me, then the Universe is broken.”? ?This feeling is quiet and largely nonconscious.??It is there. It is in the background judging, evaluating, analyzing, and creating separation the minute difference shows up.
Imagine this: you are on a date.?
You love Trump.? You think he's a real man. Your date shows up.? ?They are attractive in just the right ways.? The date starts out as lovely.?? You share many common interests.? Pickleball.? Kung-Fu movies.? Bread-baking.?? “Wow,” you think.?? This is going well.?? Then, your date tells you they love Biden.??They think Biden is the real deal.
Cue the fail music, the buzzer of death, or whatever sound effect you want to indicate that this date just ended.??
The power of difference is so strong that all other factors will simply vanish with this glaring and salient difference, announcing that relating (unity) is not possible.??
Yes, we are all different.?? Every single one of us.??
So, having a tool to align and maintain unity while being different is critical.??
Language is that tool, but like an untrained carpenter, we’ve never really learned to use it that tool.??
At Moksha, we teach leaders and teams CONSCIOUS COMMUNICATION.??
We have learned from many masters and fused them together into a set of techniques, which allow adults to meet again.????
Consider just one of these tools, called IMAGO Dialogue.??
Have you ever heard of it?? Sheila Pride, CEO is trained in IMAGO.
IMAGO is a structured method of communication designed to reduce defensive interactions and foster understanding between individuals.
The core steps:
(1)???? Setting up a meeting.??
“Hey, are you available for a quick chat about ______”
(2)???? Listener practices mirroring.??
“What I heard you say was _____.?? Is that right?? Is there more?”
(3)???? Speaker confirms and adds/clarifies if needed.??
“Yes, but I would add that … “
(4)???? Listener Validates.
“Got it.? You said that in addition, you feel _____.?? That makes sense to me.?? It makes sense that you feel ______.”
(5)???? Listener Connects.??
“I feel you.?? When I put myself in your shoes, it makes so much sense. ?I imagine that you felt _____.? Is that right?”
The whole point here is moving away from two monologues happening (normal conversation) and allowing dialogue to take place, which is where two people actually connect.??
That means that ONE person has to feel completely heard, seen, and understood, so that the part of us that is searching for difference and putting up walls can relax.??
Once that happens, real communication is possible.?? The outcomes of practicing IMAGO Dialogue include reduced conflict, deeper emotional connections, and a greater sense of security in relationships.??
At the Moksha Group, we focus on harnessing the power of communication to enhance personal and professional relationships. Through our workshops, we teach leaders and teams how to communicate more effectively, fostering environments of mutual respect and understanding.
We work with leaders and teams. Leaders become better husbands/wives. Teams become more effective collaborators and friends.
Great communication can save your relationships and enhance the quality of your life immeasurably.
Dr. Ryan Pride
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