How to communicate COVID changes with clarity
Becky Reardon
Managing Director and Brand Strategy Lead at Embrace Marketing & Branding Agency based in Cheshire, South of Manchester
As the pandemic continues to run its course, our businesses and brands continue to adapt. Key at the moment for most is adapting the work environment and procedures to adhere to government guidelines and the safety of employees. We of course also need to consider the changing requirements and therefore changing ways we must communicate with our customers.
Clear communications to employees, customers and suppliers is paramount. At Embrace Marketing, we've been supporting clients throughout the pandemic with explicit and engaging communications for all stakeholders. What’s key at the moment is both clarity around procedures for safety but also the opportunity to authentically engage all stakeholders.
Here are a few of our hints and tips based on ways we’re currently helping clients…
Setting a clear communication strategy
With so much to consider at the moment, it’s important to take a strategic and joined up approach to communications around changes. Everyone is feeling uncertain at the moment. Having clear communications is crucial to keep everyone onboard and to maintain trust. As part of this, we’d recommend generating specific objectives and messages for all stakeholder groups.
Engaging content and collateral
Things are changing rapidly at the moment. Alongside this clarity and engagement in your content is vital. We’ve found that animated explainer videos work really well to update employees on new processes such as around social distancing.
From an external perspective, understanding how client’s needs have adapted and adjusting activities to suit this is important. For example, we’ve seen a dramatic increase in digital activity. For those looking to maintain and grow their brands, now is the time to consider refreshing your website and digital collateral to maximise engagement.
Adapting messages to ensure resonance and maximising user experience and the customer’s digital journey is top of the list for those looking for competitive advantage.
If you’re looking for clear and engaging communications to suit the needs of different stakeholders, contact [email protected] to discuss your individual requirements!