How to communicate complex ideas: 5 golden rules

How to communicate complex ideas: 5 golden rules

Great ideas drive human progress. But in our noisy, fast-paced world, many potential game-changers slip through the cracks.

With time constraints and fierce competition for attention, anything deemed too complicated risks being overlooked.?

At Luna 9, we’re fortunate to have partnered with some remarkable people and organisations with some undeniably brilliant ideas.

Innovative new ways to:?

  • Convert waste into energy
  • Accelerate drug discovery
  • Help people live longer
  • Protect water and energy supplies
  • Address health inequality
  • Decarbonise the battery industry

They all faced a similar challenge: their ideas weren’t easy for everyone to understand — especially those with less technical, scientific, or specialist knowledge.?

Yet often those were the people they most needed to engage and convince — potential investors and prospective business partners.

Gaining traction for your big idea?

In helping to explain these innovations and why they matter, we’ve had to get our collective heads around some pretty hefty topics.?

Fortunately, that’s exactly what gets us out of bed in the morning.?

And along the way, we’ve developed a tried and tested process for making sense of virtually anything, however complex, and then bringing it to life clearly and confidently.

We’re keeping it brief here, but there are 5 golden rules that underpin our motto, 'Complex doesn't have to mean confusing.' Stick with these and you can’t go far wrong:

1. Take a look from the outside in

Always start by recognising and understanding your various audiences — their needs, challenges, and mindset. Adjust your messaging accordingly to speak their language.

2. Beware the “curse of knowledge”

The more you know about a subject, the harder it becomes to put yourself in the shoes of those who don’t — never assume knowledge and always set the right context.

3. Hook your audience with a good story

Storytelling creates emotional connections, making complex ideas relatable, engaging and memorable. What change are you offering and why? That's your story's core.

4. Show the bigger picture benefits

Passion can lead to tunnel vision. Take a step back from the details and consider the broader impact — what direct and indirect value do you bring to people’s lives?

5. Turn your audience into advocates?

Always leave your audience with the necessary tools to support and promote your cause in their internal conversations. Make being a cheerleader as easy as possible.

With the right approach, even the most intricate ideas can be communicated effectively.?

By doing so, innovators can ensure they have the impact they deserve.

And that is good for all of us.

Need a hand getting cut-through? Let’s talk.


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