How Common Is Childhood OCD? Understanding The Signs and Statistics
Julie Derrick
Childhood OCD : I help parents and schools figure out ways to support a child with OCD and anxiety??The Mind Monsters Books ???? The Parenting OCD in Teens and Tweens Handbook
'How common is childhood OCD?'
Many parents worry about OCD affecting their children, but how common is it,really?
And how do you know whether it is OCD as opposed to it being a quirk or general anxiety?
In this week's newsletter, I will cover the signs and statistics of childhood OCD.
How Common is Childhood OCD: The Statistics
Research shows that OCD affects about 1-3% of children worldwide.
This means that in any given classroom, it's possible that could be struggling with OCD, even if it's not immediately noticeable.
OCD is often misdiagnosed or misunderstood because OCD symptoms can be similar to other types of anxiety or behaviour issues.
One important thing to bear in mind is that OCD typically begins in childhood or adolescence.
Studies show that most cases of OCD typically start between the ages of 7 and 12, but it can develop at any age.
The earlier OCD is identified and treated, the better the chances of recovery.
Therefore, early intervention can play a significant role in reducing the impact OCD has on a child's life.
Childhood OCD: Understanding the Signs
Even though OCD in children can be relatively common, many parents and teachers often fail to recognise early signs and symptoms.
OCD Triggers
One of the biggest triggers for a child developing OCD is anxiety and stress- especially around school or big life changes.
Examples of what can trigger childhood OCD include:
The uncertainty and unpredictability around these situations can create anxiety that leads to obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours.
OCD Signs
Here are some common signs of OCD in children
In summary, OCD in children is not rare.
It affects about 1-3% of children. Therefore it is important to recognise signs and to get a child the support they need.
When it comes to childhood OCD, early intervention is crucial as with the right diagnosis and treatment, children can learn to manage their OCD symptoms and can go on to lead a happy and fulfilling life.
Since supporting my teenage daughter to manage OCD and lead a more fulfilling life, I am now on a mission to try to help teenagers and parents avoid the struggles we faced.
I do this through my:
You can find all the details by clicking my website link below or in the featured section of my bio.
#ocdawareness #ocdrecovery #parentingstruggles #childrensmentalhealth