How Commercial Real Estate Owners Can Profit Off 5G
Photo by Harry Cunningham via Upsplash

How Commercial Real Estate Owners Can Profit Off 5G

Cell tower signals cannot penetrate large concrete structures. Using Wi-Fi instead of a cellular signal is a simple solution. For this reason, free Wi-Fi is available almost everywhere, from corner cafes to airports. Cellphones would not work indoors if there were no WiFi. Cellular carriers such as AT & T, Verizon, and T-Mobile are well aware of this, so they are willing to pay people to use their Wi-Fi. You can lease your Wi-Fi to a cellular carrier and be well compensated. With 5G technology already on the market, real estate owners must have the infrastructure to support 5G devices. A carrier offloading partnership is the quickest and easiest way to accomplish this.

If the infrastructure is within 1500 feet of the user, 5G technology can be up to 20 times faster than 4G technology. While 5G is a high-speed connection, it has a very short range and is quite expensive. Because 4G towers have a range of up to 10 miles, a single tower can serve a large area. There are approximately 6 million 4G towers worldwide, and mobile carriers continue to build 10,000 new towers per year to keep up with mobile device traffic. Carrier offloading is a far more efficient way of building 5G networks than doubling or tripling infrastructure to compensate for 5G's extremely short range.

A carrier offloading partnership entails leasing a portion of your infrastructure to a mobile carrier. They lease your WiFi, which is probably already 4G or 5G. Then, instead of communicating via the cell network, mobile devices will communicate via Wi-Fi. This is nothing new, and as previously stated, if you've used public access Wi-Fi at your local coffee shop, you're already familiar with how carrier offloading works. The advantage of forming a carrier offloading partnership with a mobile carrier is that their customers will be routed automatically onto your network rather than their cellular network.

The amount of data that each device can use at once will be dramatically increased by 5G technology. As mobile networks struggle to meet demand, data gets more expensive. A carrier offloading partnership assists mobile carriers in managing the increasing demand for data by diverting users away from their network when they are near a trusted Wi-Fi network. A carrier offloading partnership assists mobile carriers in managing the increasing demand for data by diverting users away from their network when they are near a trusted Wi-Fi network.

GPG Advisers has nearly a decade of experience designing and implementing carrier offloading partnerships. Upgrading your Wi-Fi network and forming a carrier offloading partnership can also be beneficial in several other ways. Wi-Fi infrastructure can also be used to automate HVAC and lighting and collect portfolio analytics. If you want to capitalize on 5G technology, leasing your Wi-Fi infrastructure to a cellular carrier is the simplest and most efficient way. This will help cellular businesses keep up with the overwhelming demand for data and provide you with new revenue streams. If you'd like to learn more about carrier offloading, please contact [email protected] to find out more.


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