How come you didn’t get rich?
Perhaps the golden copy rule is: people believe what they want to believe.
So let me ask you:
Have you fallen for the hokum from guys who swear to make you rich in the twinkling of an eye?
Their argument is simple. “I’m rich. You can be too. Just do what I do”. Sounds logical, but it doesn’t work. Except for them.
Unfortunately I can't promise you fast bucks. I've always been in a different business. Writing stuff that sells for serious brands and serious people.
For instance years ago Phillips had a barge load of radios sitting in the Thames that they couldn't sell.
I wrote a commercial - 60 seconds. Then they said "We can't afford 60 seconds, can you do 30?"
Panic stations! I went to the studio in Soho and cut it to 30 seconds.
But I was worried. Would people understand it?
So I called passers-by in from the street and asked them to watch the it, then say if they understood it.
Happily they did.
And even more happily for my client the ad sold all those ”unsellable” radios.
Around the same time J Walter Thompson hired me because their client Ford was launching a completely new range of cars around Europe and they needed a campaign quickly.
In exchange for money I flew to Frankfurt and wrote the ads to sell the cars in three days flat.
Then they offered me a job which I turned down. I'm not a very good employee.
If you want to get rich, by all means talk to one of these guys who say they’ll get you rich quick.
But maybe you should first ask them a simple question.
Have they worked for any major brands and sold for them? That's what I wanted to learn how to do when I started out.
Do you?
If so – if you want to know how I did what I did, and still do, join me in Bristol on October 25th.
And make your mind up now, please because the price goes up this week.