How To Come Up With Video Ideas For Your Business!
One of the biggest hurdles when getting started with video marketing or YouTube is knowing what topics to talk about on your videos. That’s why today I am going to give you 5 ways to generate ideas for your business videos. Watch the video below or scroll down for the old fashioned text version.
Before we get started I just wanted to mention that after you have created your video ideas you want to conduct keyword research to pick the topics that are most likely to get views. I am going to be doing a post about this next week so if you are visiting from the future you can find it here.
FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions. These are the questions that your customers ask all the time and quite frankly, you’re sick of answering. These questions make for perfect video topics for 2 reasons, first of all, you already know that your customers are looking for this information and secondly, if you get asked the same question in the future you can point them in the direction of your video.
Not sure what questions you get asked all the time? Ask your team to keep an ear open over the next couple of weeks and make a note of any questions they are asked. You will soon see there are at least a few questions that get asked over and over again.
So you have a product-based business. It doesn’t matter how simple your product is to use, there will still be someone who will be confused. Why not make a series of videos on how to use each feature of your product. Let’s say you make underfloor heating, your list of videos could include:
- How to program the thermostat
- How to lay the underfloor heating mats
- How to sync the thermostat to your phone
- How to set the time on the thermostat
- How to set the thermostat to holiday mode
There are a few benefits to this type of video. Number one, you can get rid of paper manuals and instead include a link or QR code to a playlist of videos on your packaging. This playlist will teach them all they need to know in one place.
Number two, watching videos can be a better way for your customer to learn how to use your product as it is easier to replicate something if you can see it being done.
Number three, your customers can see how your product works before even buying it, helping build their excitement.
Lastly, your videos may even be found when your customers are searching for how to use your competitors' products which may even lead to them switching to your product!
This is similar to the last idea but more focused on service-based businesses. Videos are a great way to teach your customers how to do the little jobs that aren’t worth your time or teach your consumers how to look after the work you have already done to keep it in better condition for longer. Let's use a car detailing company for an example. Video ideas could include:
- How to safely wash your car to avoid damaging your paintwork
- What to do if you find a chip in your paintwork
- How to apply polish
- How to keep your alloys looking in great condition
- How often should you clean your car
Do worry if you feel like you are giving too much information away. If you are helping people with their problems then they will remember you when they need your full, more expensive services. They will also think 'if this is the information I am getting for free, how much better will it be if I pay them?'.
You should have keywords on your website that you use to be found on Google. If you’ve already found the right keywords then try typing these keywords into YouTube and see what comes up. This should help spark your creativity and come up with ideas of your own.
Let me start by saying that I’m not telling you to copy your competition but I will say that all art is imitation, you are just improving on what has come before.
Have a look at what your competitors are doing, they don’t have to be local, it could be an overseas company that will never take any of your business. Look at what they are doing with a critical eye. Can you do it better? Can you add your own spin to it? Do you think they are wrong and you can make a video on the right way of doing things?
Whilst you are there also look at what videos have worked well (in terms of views) and which haven’t, that way you have a better understanding of what topics to avoid.
To wrap up, my 5 ways of coming up with video ideas are, use your frequently asked questions, make videos on how to use your products, teach your customers how to do things themselves, look at your Google keywords and see what topics they relate to on YouTube and look at what others in your industry are doing.
If you are still struggling with ideas for videos get in touch by using the contact form and we can arrange a brainstorming session.