How To Come up with a Great Book Idea - Part 2

How To Come up with a Great Book Idea - Part 2

In the previous edition, we talked about leveraging your experiences in life. Whether good or bad, experiences offer a unique perspective on life and can be used as great content ideas for your book.

I have always maintained that a good book should be at least 70% stories and 30% lessons because every story has moral lessons and people always love good stories. If you haven't read the previous edition, check it out here before you get into this one.

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Before I get into the remaining ways you can come by great book ideas, I have a book on How to Start a Knowledge Business. Writing and publishing a book is part of what I called the Knowledge Business, click here to get that ebook for FREE.

2 Amazing Sources of Great Book Ideas

?? Expertise?

If you are a professional or business person, you are probably an expert in one field or the other.

It doesn't matter how many years you have been in that field.

There's an aspect you can comfortably provide professional advice to another person who knows nothing about that field.?

Expertise can also be something you can talk or teach comfortably even if you are not prepared.?

For me it's digital marketing, writing and publishing.

If I were sleeping and you wake me up to a question on those areas, I'll not be mad. I'll gladly help you.

What's yours?

If you studied something in school and have a diploma or degree in it, you are probably more knowledge on that subject than the average person.

So yes, you may not be the "expert" in that field but the fact that you are more knowledgeable than the rest of us when it comes to that subject matter, we can rely on you for expert advice.

That's why you should consider writing a book.

Your book is not for your colleagues, It's for the customers or consumers.

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??Your skill

You probably have one or two skills that help you do what you do.?

You are qualified to teach people who want to learn that skill fast and also want some mentorship so they can excel.?

This does not only provide financial reward, the fulfillment it brings is also very great.?

These days, people want to learn from people who have experience, expertise and practical skills.?

Most universities do not have this.

So if you're interested in creating an information product (book) to share your experience, expertise or skill with the world while making money from it, subscribe to this newsletter and share with your connections. Let's keep this community growing!


