How to come out of "Not Paid Enough" Syndrome?
Pruthvi Ravindranath, QPFP?
Financial Peace Coach || Founder of "Tribe of Prosperity" || Mission: Elevate Financial Clarity and Confidence to achieve Peaceful Prosperity || Mutual Funds Specialist || Investment Advisor L1 & L2 certified || Speaker
Have you ever felt that you are not paid enough for your work?
I also had this “Not Paid Enough†Syndrome about 6 years back. In fact 8 out of 10 earning individuals have this “Not Paid Enough†Syndrome.
This syndrome hits maximum when we need to pay up monthly bill payments, EMIs, child’s school fee payment, insurance premium payments.
This syndrome hits maximum when suddenly emergency crops up. And you had to borrow money from your nearest and dearest ones.
This syndrome hits maximum when your family wants to take a vacation. And you have lack of funds and time.
But 8 years back, I closely diagnosed this “Not Paid Enough†Syndrome. Diagnosis Report said that the cause was not external, but it was internal. It was due to my family’s Personal Financial Imbalance –?Imbalance between Security and Satisfaction.
In the whole world, money has only 2 purposes –?SECURITY & SATISFACTION.
Let’s understand with an example. If you have ? 1 Crore in you bank account, you feel secured. If you spend ? 1 Crore to buy a Lamborghini, you feel satisfied. Isn’t it? Consider any financial transaction you have done today and analyze it. Either that money transaction might have given a feel of satisfaction or a feel of security or a combination of both. So, all money transactions can be classified into
- Security Money Transactions?– Money in bank account, Money in investments, Insurance Premium payments, Cash holdings.
- Satisfaction Money Transactions?– Spending on basic needs, Shopping for luxuries and gadgets, Eating at high-end restaurants, Taking vacations to exotic places.
When Security Money Transactions increases, you tend to keep all your money in no risk instruments. And taking no risk is the biggest risk of all times. Being too frugal and secure will make you fearful and poor. Beware!
When Satisfaction Money Transactions increases, you tend to spend more than your needs on the luxuries of today and make you?act rich. But the question is, “Do you want to?act rich?or?be rich?â€
To be financial balanced, first mantra is to have a balance between Security Money Transactions and Satisfaction Money Transactions.
Get Security?by buying right insurances for your family and keeping a minimum 6-month contingency fund.
Get Satisfied?by achieving your goals by aligning your investments accordingly.
We all have that “Not Paid Enough†syndrome. And we blame the company we work in, we might blame the type of business we are into and also blame people who are no-where related to our financial status quo. Let’s stop the blame game and let’s start the balanced thought process –?Thought process of balancing security and satisfaction.
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