How Come I've Got Nothing To Do?
Every week our small but mighty team gathers for a huddle call to check in about our monthly, weekly and daily goals and tasks.
If you’ve ever been to one of my Replaceable Founder intensives, you know that the way we run this weekly meeting is by sorting the tasks by whom they’re assigned to and then each person gives an update on progress. It’s one of the main ways we remain so effective as a company.
So, at this week’s meeting, Courtney our awesome COO shared her screen and the sorting and updating began, starting with herself and her 30+ tasks.
Then she shared what Joanna and The Amys are accountable for, and each of them had at least 15 tasks each cluttering up the screen.
If you’ve ever used Trello before, then you know that with each team member shuffle, the screen fills with a new assortment of color-coded “cards” that describe the array of responsibilities each of our team members are in charge of.
(And, of course, that each of these responsibilities equate to critical things that move the growth of the business forward.)
Lots of responsibilities mean lots of cards on the screen in front of us.
Then Courtney came to me...
She shuffled the cards again to reveal my activities for the week and suddenly the screen went from covered with cards to cleaner than Marie Kondo’s kitchen counter.
I had TWO, that’s right TWO critical items assigned to me:
- Record a podcast episode, and
- transfer my profit sharing from the business account to my personal account
Yup. That’s it. Record my thoughts and take money out of the bank. That’s all I had to do this week to keep the business moving forward.
This is how it’s been lately.
I am doing less and less as it relates to the minutiae of the operation of the business and doing more and more as it relates to me showing up and being the Inventor.
These days I’m pretty much just showing up as “the talent” for the business. I give talks, I show up on podcasts and give interviews. I meet with potential partners to explore larger growth opportunities for the company. I have high-level conversations with entrepreneurs in our Elite Program.
Do you know why I’m able to do this?
Well, we all agreed it’s because I am getting out of the way. I’ve put systems and processes into place that work insanely well without me.
I have become replaceable.
Can I get a “Hell Yeah”?
And here’s the kicker . . .
We had our best profit month ever last month, all because I’ve been able to successfully get out of the way and let my team do what they do best.
The less I do, the better the company is performing.
Let me say that again so it really sinks in for you because I know this is sometimes a hard concept to grasp…
I’m the founder and CEO and our numbers are proving to us that the less I do, the better the company is performing.
If you’re anything like our clients (which I’m guessing you are, because you probably wouldn’t be following me if you weren’t), then you probably see this scenario that I just described as the dream for you and your company.
And you know what? This scenario has been the dream for ME too for a long time.
And it’s taken a lot of trial and error to finally get us here.
The great news for YOU though is that my team and I have figured this out and have processes in place that we use with our clients to walk them through how to do it for themselves and their companies too.
The first step toward you having this kind of freedom is joining me in New York at my September Replaceable Founder Intensive. There’s a waitlist right here and I’d like you to take two minutes to secure a spot on it.
When you jump on the list you’ll get early access to event registration, special waitlist-only information and perks, and a really, really cool opportunity reserved for the first five people who purchase a ticket.
Now, I want to be sure you know that 30% of the spots for September’s event are already sold and we haven’t even officially opened registration yet.
And to create an intimate experience, we limit the number of founders in the room to no more than 18 so there aren’t going to be many spots left when we open registration. AND, we’ve sold out every single one of these we’ve hosted since the pilot event, so this one will sell out too. Putting your name on the wait list is the very best way to ensure that you’ll get a spot at the event.