How to Combat Our Current Drought
Andy Sachs
Managing Broker @ Around Town Real Estate, LLC | I help Attorneys and Executors minimize stress and maximize gains throughout the estate sale process.
I wanted to talk about something today that’s affecting a lot of the country, but especially our market—the drought. We are down nearly 20 inches in needed rainfall levels and it’s affecting everyone from the wells to the city water. People are being asked to monitor their usage, and there are even talks of putting a fine on overuse of water.
So be careful. If you’re on a well, don’t run it dry. It can burn out your pump and ruin the electrical system going to that pump, which is a much larger cost.
“A lot of snow would help replenish our aquifers.”
Monitor your shower lengths, as well as the amount of water you use when washing your hands or your dishes.
We don’t want to have a horrible winter, but a lot of snow could be helpful to replenish our aquifers at this time. It’s something to think about.
If you have any questions for us, don’t hesitate to give us a call or send us an email. We’d be happy to help you out.