How Coachable are you?
Is coaching just another fad? How do I know if coaching is right for me? Isn’t coaching just for people who are underperforming?
Try this quiz to see if coaching would suit you. The number of “yes” answers will tell you how coachable you are.
1. I intend to develop and improve
2. I want to adapt or switch gears when needed
3. I can view myself and others openly, honestly and objectively
4. I know some areas where I would like to improve
5. I am willing to try new ways of learning
6. I can self-reflect to recognise what is limiting my development
7. I take constructive feedback well and am keen to learn from it
8. I am willing to give regular feedback on my coach’s effectiveness
Your motivation to succeed is the biggest predictability of high coachability and the relationship between the coach and client is a close second. If those elements aren’t present, coaching won’t be helpful.
I have been surprised to note that it is not always the superstars of the team who gain the most from coaching. Sometimes it is the unassuming team member who just gets on with the job, that really finds coaching is just right for them.
Here is some feedback I got from a Team Leader recently about their coaching:
“These were my first coaching sessions that I’ve had from a professional coach so it’s hard to baseline.
For me though, I like that you are real. You gave real answers (which I really appreciate) as there is a lot of bulls**t out there. You gave me clear and concise coaching which allowed me to understand my purpose, find areas of improvement and become a better coach myself.
Good Luck. I have been highly recommending you to everyone I speak too across our leadership team!” – T. T.
If you would be interested to see what the experience could do for you and/or your team, email Cath for an obligation free demonstration of coaching.