How cloud computing has improved AI

How cloud computing has improved AI

At MDB we recognise that in order to ensure success, evolving with industry developments is essential. The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly apparent in industry; and Cloud Computing is key to this.?It is clear that the two have merged to improve the lives of millions but how has this come about??Here we look at some of the key milestones and how Cloud Computing has improved AI dramatically....?

When you think about Cloud Computing, you’d expect it to be older than AI. Surprisingly, it is a more recent development than artificial intelligence, only being first mentioned in the 1990s whereas AI was mentioned much earlier in the 1950s.

So, you may ask, what did the early stages of Cloud Computing look like? There are three main Cloud solution models, and the first being Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Successive to this, delivery models called Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS) were introduced.

But how did these Cloud Computing models improve AI? IaaS has helped to improve it because AI requires large infrastructure, therefore through IaaS, it is given what it needs to function at its best current capability. PaaS has improved AI as it provides the large amounts of data that it requires to essentially do its thing. Data is the fuel for AI,. SaaS has provided enhancements by helping users to utilise AI based services within applications.

Furthermore, Cloud Computing enables sharing of data. This helps to assist teams in their work due to the ease of information exchange. Therefore, allowing AI to be used far more effectively.

Data is the essential resource for AI as it requires large data sets to function effectively. Cloud environments can support much larger and widespread data without requiring physical environments, such as servers at businesses. Consequently, Cloud Computing helps to improve AI by supporting the needs of AI to function at its best capability.

When AI is mentioned, automation always comes to mind. AI aids Cloud Computing by streamlining its use through AI automation performing tasks using previous predictive algorithms. This allows users to take data analysis to another level, as data can be analysed to identify trends and patterns across multiple data sets. Without Cloud Computing, AI would not be able to use the data stored within the Cloud to perform this.

Using Cloud Computing and AI is also cost saving. Businesses with a Cloud model only need to purchase storage when they require it which helps to eradicate traditional infrastructure costs. Therefore, businesses can make the most of these cost savings to invest in the development of Cloud Computing and AI to further improve their business and evolve with the times.

Overall, the link between AI and Cloud Computing continues to evolve daily. Within the current era of digital transformation, the benefits in terms of greater efficiency, output and digital security will become increasingly valuable across all sizes of business and in all sectors.

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