How close is too close?
Gaye Cameron MBA
Director I Psychotherapist I Counsellor I Social Worker I Wife I Mum
Here is a quick survey and be honest when you answer it.
When you have a close call, when do you report it? If NOT - why not?
Too quite often, we ourselves will have a little mishap or 'sh*t that was close!' and we don't do anything about it. In the safety world - these are RED FLAGS!!! Next time - it will happen and it will hurt.
Another question - again be honest when you answer it.
When you are out and about on site, walking around, looking around, do you STOP and engage with workers about potential things you have just seen? If NOT - why not?
It only take a few seconds to Stop - Engage with the worker - Discuss what you just saw - and engage with them on how they can do it 'safer' next time........secondly - REPORT IT! each time we report Action Potentials or Near Misses, we are gathering a picture of common trends or even 'elephants in the room' that we need to mitigate of actually happening.
I want to set a challenge for you all - this coming Monday, when you are at work. Stop and engage with your team. Discuss what a near-miss is, and encourage your fellow team mates to report 'hazards / near-misses'.
Happy to discuss more short safety management tips. Drop me a line
Gaye Cameron MBA