How To Close A Deal In 10 Minutes.
close a deal

How To Close A Deal In 10 Minutes.

Sales can only be recorded when you close a deal and payment is made. A good salesperson sure knows the right time in the sales process to seal the transaction. Missing that golden opportunity could result in poor sales for the business. 

Customers are the King, and their need comes first. The way customers make purchasing decisions constantly changes so you must have a fantastic strategy to ensure you close deals faster.

When you want to close a deal, it is important that you take note of certain things. Negligence of these things would make opportunities slip your hands.

To close a deal faster, you must:

  1. Spot the Decision Maker: this is often overlooked but plays a pivotal role and helps a salesperson close a deal quickly. Sometimes, the decision-maker would send someone to make some inquiries and get some information. Do whatever you can to set up a meeting with the person in charge. In the Deal and Offers section on Bixex, the freelancers are dealing directly with the decision-maker.
  2. Be Original, Real, and Authentic: Show empathy and fellow feeling. Help the Client understand you care about them and their business. When it's time to close a deal, they would be more inclined to listen to you and agree to your proposal. Show them you have their best interest at heart.
  3. Make it Urgent: Adding a deadline to an offer helps you close a deal faster. Make it seem to the Customer that he has an upper hand. It wouldn't be wise to rush the customer but endeavor to give them convincing reasons why your product or service is the best. Deals and offers on Bixex have deadlines. Phrases like “5 days left” make customers act quicker.
  4. Be mindful of what you say: What you say during the transaction and negotiation phase could be used against you and could delay you from sealing the deal. To close a deal quicker, you must know when to use the right phrases. When you notice that a Customer is about to agree to your offer, you could close the deal by asking the address for delivery. 
  5. Respond quickly: Some deals have already been closed even before the customer reaches out to you. In this situation, you do not need to stress yourself to close a deal, this is because the customer is ready to make a purchase. This Customer is surely going to buy and asks for a quote right from the beginning of the conversation. Automate the process and ensure quotes are sent quickly.

Your business is bound to record more sales if the sales team are beasts when it comes to closing deals. In some companies, there are sales professionals who are skilled in the art of closing. To close a deal that is highly sensitive, the company may assign these to them.

READ ALSO: 5 Techniques To Become Effective In Negotiations.

Sales is indeed a blend of art and science, with ongoing refinement to keep sharp ??

Pawe? Paluch

CRO & CSO as a Service | SaaS Sales | Driving B2B Growth | Mentoring | Coaching

3 年

One of the best techniques for deal closing is not a technique at all. It is the genuine interest in solving problems of our partners/prospects. You need to go through the whole sales process regardless what you sell, but the fundament of a great relationship that ends with a close is understanding issues and finding a mutually beneficial way to solve them.

Great post Chikaodi Emmanuel ?? ?? and amazing article! We do recommend to check out this course if you want to delve into the sales meetings, deal closing and managing the relationship with your prospect!

Mohammed Ziyed HADFI ???? ???? ???????

Enhancing sales Performance for reps, inside sales & KAM/SAM | International director @ Halifax Consulting | +10K followers

3 年

Absolutely. Customers are kings for sure when they pay like princes. Halifax Consulting


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