How to clear out your BUTS!
Lisa Jelly
Senior People Leader | Leadership & Team Coach | Talent Management | L&D Specialist | Project Management | EMCC Senior Practitioner Coach | Psychosynthesis Psychologist | Portfolio Career
When working with my clients on their career clarity, I hear them say things like:
- I feel stuck, I feel lost
- I don’t like my job/ career any more, I’ve fallen out of love with it
- I’m not sure I’m on the right path anymore
- I feel disconnected from my work
- I feel like there should be more to life than this.
- COVID is making me rethink what’s important in my life
- I don’t know who I am anymore; I need to make a change to live more authentically as ‘me’.
Any of that sound familiar to you?
I hear this a lot. It breaks my heart to know so many people are stuck and not able to move forward from this place in their lives.
And the reason why? It’s just one 3 letter word holding them back…
These are the words I hear coming after those first sentences above:
- BUT I don’t know what to do about it
- BUT I don’t know what I want to do next
- BUT I don’t if I can change change
- BUT I don’t know how to make it happen
- BUT I don’t know if I can afford to change career / company
- BUT what if it is too risky?
BUT!! That pesky word!!
What ‘BUT’ does, is put the brakes on. It becomes the reason why you stay stuck. ‘BUT’ becomes the reason why you stay miserable in a career that no longer feels like ‘you’, in a career you no longer love. BUT is the reason why other aspects of your life are affected, such as your relationships, even with food / alcohol / drugs.
There is this ‘thing’ going on in your life that is major, but you don’t know how to move forward.
That was me! That’s where I was 4 years ago. I’ll share my story in more detail over the coming weeks and months. I know what it’s like to be there. I know what it’s like to feel stuck, BUT not know what to do about it.
How does The Career Connection help with the BUT?
TCC was created specifically to help people who are stuck in that BUT place. To enable you to pause before the BUT comes and look at what’s really going on, what’s holding you back from moving forward.
It’s for those who are soul searching, stuck between ‘I know something has to change, I’m really not happy with my career’ and making decisions and taking action to make your new career a reality.
Once you fix the BUT, everything shifts.
- You overall health, wellbeing and happiness improve
- You find work that is in full alignment with who you are in your heart
- You connect with others and develop relationships in deeper ways than you ever have done before
- You feel fulfilled and like you are living with purpose and making a valued contribution to the world
Want to know the secret to making this shift?
Simply change those three letters to a different three letter word……..
So when we change BUT to AND, this is what happens:
BEFORE: “I feel stuck in my job BUT I don’t know what to do next’
AFTER: “I feel stuck in my job AND I’m excited to find out what I’m going to do next’!
Just pause there a moment and see how changing that word makes you feel. Do you feel lighter? More optimistic? Even if you don’t feel anything, know that something is already starting to shift inside to a more hopeful place.
This is because when we shift our perspective on a situation, we start thinking and feeling and doing things differently, more in alignment with who we really are. This is what TCC will enable for you.
I am really excited to bring it to you!
If you feel like you are STUCK (or know anyone who is!) and you’re ready to make a change to your career but have no idea how to go about it, please get in touch for an initial chat:
Let’s get you on the road from ‘confusion’ to ‘clarity’ and clear out your BUTS!
Lisa X
Helping you Escape Corporate Wankery | Career Crossroads Coach | 700 Clients Served | Author: Escape Corporate W@nkery | Go it alone or get a new job
4 年Great work Lisa, love the But concept and totally get it!