How clean is the air you breathe?
Vortice UK
European market leader in energy efficient ventilation systems for domestic, commercial and industrial use.
Did you know ?
Unless we take steps to ventilate our homes and workplaces correctly, the quality of the air we breathe can be more polluted than outdoor air, with all the associated health risks. The World Health Organisation (WHO) identi?es a number of serious long-term illnesses associated with poor air quality, including lung conditions from asthma to cancer; heart disease; Alzheimer’s disease; and inflammatory conditions.
We also only need to contemplate the number of cleaning products, hair sprays, paints, air fresheners and new furniture and carpets that we bring into our home to realise what we’re feeding our indoor air quality with. The presence of condensation and mould can also worsen skin allergies and respiratory conditions.
To keep our homes healthy and avoid symptoms like dizziness, watery eyes, fatigue, headaches and coughing which can be caused by poor air quality, we need to take action. Ideally, an airtight home should be matched with a mechanical ventilation system which removes moist and stale air. Although opening your windows regularly helps to ensure air movement, the moment those windows are closed, the air quality deteriorates very quickly, particularly if you are cooking, taking a shower or spraying aerosols.
Vortice has a combined knowledge and service in combating mould and condensation in the residential sector and now offers a complete service solution to help combat mould and condensation specifically aimed at the landlord.
Visit the new website today at to book a survey today or email at [email protected]