HOW to CHOOSE your Employer in Recruitment & What Roles could you get to grow?

Part-2 of n….?

In Part-1, I talked about fundamental attributes/ pre-requisites required to become a recruiter.

Once you have found out that you would FIT into Recruitment, start looking for a company which would give your career a head-start. In this article, let’s look for answers to 2 important questions.

  1. How to CHOOSE YOUR employer? – Choose 2-3 companies (maximum 5) in your city of preference and get answers to all the questions given below.
  2. IF you stay with a Recruitment firm/ Recruitment industry, (without jumping to client organizations), What options are available for you & what would be your career growth path?

HOW should YOU CHOOSE YOUR employer & What should you look for?

– These questions are applicable for both fresh-talent and experienced professionals. The most important point is…YOU MUST get answers to the below-mentioned questions BEFORE going for ?the interview (Use your networking skill, internet, among others).

  1. How long are they in business?
  2. Who are their clients?
  3. What kind of mandates/ requirements do they work on?
  4. How good/ exhaustive is their training? OR Are the opportunities for learning? – Both classroom and on-the-job
  5. Have their employees been growing within the company?
  6. Where are their Alumni working? – Try to talk to at least a couple of them, whom you think are successful in their career. You may use LinkedIn to identify them.
  7. How is their Compensation & Benefits structure?
  8. Does the management RESPECT their associates/ employees?
  9. Do their clients RESPECT them as a service provider?
  10. Does the company offer transparency in business by disclosing critical/ important information to their associates/ employees?
  11. What do their associates say about them in the public domain?
  12. Once you get answers for the above questions, ASK YOURSELF THIS CRITICAL QUESTION…Will this company suit me & my aspirations??

ROLES/ Growth Path available with a Recruitment firm

  1. Recruiter/ Individual Contributor
  2. Team Leader
  3. Team Manager/ Client Manager
  4. Client Acquisition Manager (Business Development)
  5. Executive Search Professional (if that company is into executive search)

Once you get into managerial positions with P&L responsibility, you would get below-mentioned positions based on YOUR Hunger for Success.

  1. Profit-Center Head
  2. Branch Head
  3. Business Manager/ Head

I am sure, these insights will make you THINK and take right decision in your recruitment career. Best of Luck??.


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