How to choose your career
You could be a teenager in High school, an undergrad looking forward to join the labor force or already employed and in your third job already. We all have come across this common set of questions.
What is our career?
Have I chosen the right career?
Where am I heading to with this job?
How do I choose the right career?
Choosing one’s career is as critical in professional life as much as a life partner in personal life. It can be a make or break decision in your life, a turning point which decides probably the next forty years of you. It is necessary to have as much information as possible before taking that crucial call.
Choosing a career is not as simple as one would imagine, however let me guide through a five steps process that could help you in potentially sorting out doors you need to knock.
No. 1 – What you like to you and what you enjoy doing?
Irrespective of what you do, unless and until that’s something you want to do and love doing so, do not attempt to do it for decades throughout your life. So think again, what you enjoy doing again and again.
No. 2 – The Scope and Future
The scope for your career in your locality or anywhere you would like to move on is important for you to get it foremost. Moreover, it is necessary to inquire about the future of it. Since 2000s, there are consistent changes in the types of joins being manufactured as well as shunted down. So it’s necessary to know whether you have a future for your career.
No 3 – And what we consider the most important, though not in reality, the remuneration and other benefits
Are you happy with how much the job would pay? How about other benefits such as holidays etc.? Do you feel its reasonable money? Are you paid enough and it is substantial for you and your lifestyle? DO think about them all.
No 4 – Challenges and interest
How challenging your career could be and would you be interested to persist it for years ahead? How about growth ahead? Would be bring about self-satisfaction and motivate you to strive hard and strive forward throughout? It’s not for a year or two, but often a lifetime call. So be considerate.
No 5 – Are you qualified?
Do you have the physical and mental competency to fulfill the demands? Do you possess the skills both academic and technical? Are you confident that you would be able to do justice to whatever the job it may be? Are you the right person the industry or the organizations looking for? If not, be the man, do the right thing!
To add on to those five aspects you need to consider, all check onto some general factors such as
Are you trying to pursue a career that is within the legal frameworks? Does it arise any ethical, legal or social implications?
Would you be able to expand your scope in future?
Do you have a reverse gear if something goes wrong?
Would it be possible for a mid-life introspection and to have options whether continue or quit and divert?
And finally how safe you consider it for your general life and health?
Once you are here at this junction and if you have figured it out, cheers! But often you might not.
You might still be having a few options to sort out from, or have nothing at all. In that case, go back to the first point and repeat the process again. Write down each thing that come across your mind and then try to choose what’s best for you. The more information you have, the best for you. Reach out to your peers, professionals in your areas of interest and get them opinions before stepping in.