How To Choose The Right Online Marketing Business For You

How To Choose The Right Online Marketing Business For You

In this article, I want to look at the different ways to make money online. I know there's a lot of us out there that's trying to make money online. A lot of people are struggling, so I want to go through the basic steps on how to make money online.

Not surprisingly, the biggest thing that you need in order to make money online is to have something to sell.

I know that sounds intuitive, but you'd be surprised how many people are out there trying to learn how to make money online before they actually know what they're going to sell.

What you're selling online really does dictate what you need to learn.

Now, Steph and I teach a marketing machine which is basically an overall online marketing ecosystem. It can be adapted for all types of online businesses, but we specifically use it to online coaches and owners of client-based businesses to grow.

In this article I'm going to go look at the five main ways you can make money online, and talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each one.

Firstly, are Client-Based Businesses which translate well to the online space. So any business where you do not physically have to be in the same room as your client.

Then there are Info Products, putting together and selling courses, memberships and things like that.

The next thing is Online Coaching, which I'm actually going to put together into the one basket with Info Products because they tend to go hand in hand. People doing online coaching often produce info products as well.

Then there's E-commerce where people are selling products online.

Lastly, there's Network Marketing, where people who are selling products online and building teams online, and Affiliate Marketing.

We will go through the advantages and disadvantages of each of these, and then I'm going to give you some questions to ask yourself and lead you into the right product for you to be selling online.

1. Client-Based Business

So this pertains to any business where you have a product or service you offer to clients.

A lot of these translate well to the online space, as these days consults can be done online via apps like Zoom and Skype.

This means that you no longer have to market to a local market, all of a sudden the world is your oyster.

The trick is to be able to attract the interest of your international target market, which is what we teach people to do within our program Boomers.


If you want to take your client-based business online, you are going to have to learn how to market. How much you need to learn depends on how big you want to scale.

If you are happy staying as a solopreneur and making in the low-mid 5 figures a month, you can probably achieve this through using organic social media tactics. But you have to be aware that this means that each month you are having to recreate the wheel when it comes to finding clients.

To have certainty within your system you really need to learn how to automate the process through paid marketing tactics.

And if you want to scale beyond the low-mid 5 figures you are definitely going to have to learn how to do it.


You get to be your own boss. You have a broader client pool which will allow you to more easily find people who desperately need and want your services. You can scale to 7 figures and beyond.

2. Info-Products and Online Coaching

Okay, so let's first look at info-products. To do info-products, you need an area of specialized expertise, something that you do and you do really well, but maybe not everybody knows. You can create some sort of info-products on some sort of course, that people out there want.

Now, it doesn't have to be something that everybody wants to know because if you want it, and you know it, then there's a group of people out there like you. You just need to find them, put your product in front of them and sell them your product.

The whole thing about online marketing is niching down into the smallest viable market. You want be looking for your smallest viable market online for your info-products, and/or coaching and putting it in front of them.

Don't be so egotistical and think that everybody wants what you have to sell. You need to really nut down who your avatar is, who it is that you're making this product for, and then go and find them online and put it in front of them.

Doing that will allow you to have a loud voice, a clear message within your marketing because you know exactly who you are speaking to, what their pains, frustrations and problems are, and how you can help them solve them.


The disadvantage is that you really need high-tech skills, or money to pay somebody who does, to do an info-product. You also need to know how to do paid marketing - organic alone is not enough if you are to make a living from your info product. (See my article on What Sort of Metrics You Should Expect From Your Online Marketing Funnels).

You are going to need to know how to build out a funnel with an optin, sales page, and upsell. You will need to create and edit videos, make graphics, put together membership sites, and run traffic to your funnel. If you don't know how to do it, then you can pay someone to do it, but getting someone good can be expensive.

You also have to have knowledge on how to market online, otherwise, you produce this thing, and then you don't know how to market it. It goes back to saying that all of these different areas, you do need to know how to market online. You can look at that as a disadvantage if you want to.

Another disadvantage of it is that you would need to keep finding new people to sell to, unless you can create some sort of subscription model where people are paying monthly to hear from you. Even then, you still need to be continuously topping up your product because people will opt-out of a monthly subscription over time.

If you are a coach online and want to sell your coaching services alone it does not have to be quite as complex, unless you want to scale up your business. Then you really need to learn how to market.


The advantage of having an info-product is that once you've created it, it's an asset that you can use to make money for you.

Another advantage is having low overheads. You don't have the wages of your bricks and mortar businesses, and because you're creating this information, you're not having to do a lot of expensive research and development, like you might do with an eCommerce.

You have low overheads, low set up fees, unless you're paying somebody to do it all for you. But as I said, you do need to be continuously finding people to put into your funnel, but you get to be your own boss, which is one of the main advantages of all of these things.

3. E-Commerce

E-commerce is where you source your own product, you get it made, or may initially create it, then you might find people to make it for you, because if you're going to be big in online marketing, then you're probably going to be selling more product that you yourself could create. At some point in time, you would need to expand.


Now, there are higher overheads with an E-commerce product. You need to pay someone to create it, or you need to have an area where it's been created, and employ people to do it for you. Increased research and development, unless you're making it yourself, and you may not have control over quality.

I've heard of a lot of people who've had products made in China, and when the initial product turned up they were good, but then when the actual big order turned up, they weren't good, and they couldn't sell them, and they couldn't get their money back. There is an increased risk of having E-commerce as well.

You also have to work out the shipping. Can you get it drop-shipped or are you going to need to store your product somewhere and then either post it out yourself or pay someone to do it for you. It's a lot more complex than an info-product. Plus it is more labor intensive.

You also need to be putting together the online marketing, so your sales funnels, and follow up email campaigns, and then of course getting your paid marketing nailed in.


The advantage is that you're your own boss.

Also, once you have it set it up, and all the wrinkles ironed out and your metrics nailed in, and are making a profit, then you can bring people to help you with it, which is awesome.

There is a definite increased self-satisfaction over selling someone else's product, plus, you are in control of the quality.

4. Network Marketing

Network marketing is an amazing way to make money, but it is hard, often dispiriting work.

The beautiful thing these days is that online marketing has opened up a whole new way to sell and build your team.

You no longer have to saturate the market in your local area and annoy your friends and family. Now you can find other people online who are like-minded in their pursuit of making money, and you can recruit them that way.

Social Media is a great way to do this, but you want to be careful that you do it in a respectful and non-spammy way. A lot of people out their are using organic social media not in a good way. You need to stop and think about how what you are doing looks from the other side.

What's in your head, is not what's in everyone else's head - they are not going to immediately see you and your company as the savior to all their problems. Instead, it is best to employ Attraction Marketing and to set yourself up as an expert in the field, and then let them come to you,

If you can learn how to market and sell your company's products online, then it's easier to team build, because then you can just show other people how to do what you're doing online and how you're selling. And that's really what most network marketers are looking for. A strong leader to show them how to make money.

Obviously, there's a pre-disposed bias out there against network marketers, against network marketing. The network marketing companies that are out there today that have been around for a long time, they're not pyramid schemes, they're just multi-level network marketing, which I think is a pretty clever system, and from what I have seen, a lot of them have some pretty great products.

My advice from having spent years within the network marketing world is to choose a product that you can be passionate about. It is also best to choose to sell one group of products to one group of people.

Alot of the companies these days seem to be branching off into more and more areas of interest with their products, which initially seems like a great idea. But from my experience it tends to just create confusion amongst their distributors on what they should be selling.

They feel like they should be selling everything their company has to offer, and are encouraged to do so. But this leads to them offering their potential customers everything.

If you are confused about what to offer a client, they are confused about what they should buy.

And a confused mind ALWAYS SAYS NO!

Choose a product or a few related products that you can passionately sell, and then stick to that. Yes, you are limiting down the number of potential customers for your company - but your message will be clear which will lead to you making more sales overall.

One of the advantages of network marketing is that you can set up a leveraged income. Don't get me wrong, you're working hard to build your team, but you do eventually get rewarded for that.


A disadvantage is that it can be difficult to get anyone to do anything. When I first started network marketing I was great at recruiting but terrible at getting anyone to do anything, which is very frustrating. You can run around like a chicken with your head cut off, recruiting people and trying to get people to buy stuff and then getting nowhere. It's exhausting as well.

That's one of the great things about being able to market online. If you set yourself up as a leader who can help others sell and recruit, then you will attract other frustrated network marketers to you, and then you can recruit people whoi already now what they need to be doing, and who are motivated to do it.

You don't have any control over the company, so unless it's a more established company that's got a good asset base beneath them, it can be hard. You can put all your time and effort into building a network marketing team, and to building your E-commerce site, and it can fold underneath you without you even knowing anything about it.

There's an increased risk with network marketing if it is a younger company than if you're with an older and more established company. That's one of the reasons why I initially chose the company I went with, because it's been around for over 30 years and it's got a massive asset base.

If you do go with one of those young companies that entices you in with the whole 'there's more money to be made at the ground level', just be aware that there is an increased risk that it might fold out from underneath you.

Plus, they can change the compensation plan for the worst. You may have built your income up to a certain amount and they may change the compensation plan, all of a sudden you're earning half of what you were. If you've given up your job or something like that to concentrate on your network marketing business full time, that can be very stressful and very frustrating.


The advantage is that you can build a leveraged income, which is amazing. Once you've built it, that money keeps hitting your bank account every month with that same effort that you're putting in or even less effort.

And once you get to the point that the money keep growing and growing, then that's amazing. But you do need to be training your team and putting time and effort into it to have that happen. It's a long uphill slog for a few years before you can start to sit back and relax.

You can do it online. There's decreased cost of it, as I said. They do all the research and development for you. They're controlling the quality. They handle the refunds. They do the drop shipping. There's a lot of advantages to be had from being in that, and if you're an extrovert and you really love working with teams and stuff, there's a lot of fulfillment there as well to be had.

5. Affiliate Marketing

Then there's affiliate marketing, which is where you basically sell other people's products and get a commission for it. These are normally online products like courses, software programs and even affiliate marketing systems.


A disadvantage is that you need to have an email list behind you to be an affiliate marketer. It can be quite expensive to build an email list, and it can be very expensive to build a very engaged email list. You have to be good at copywriting and email. You have to be good at building a list, and you have to be good at keeping them engaged, that you keep putting stuff in front of them that they buy.

A lot of affiliate marketers out there really struggle. There are some out there that do it really well, but they email their lists all the time, so there is a high drop out rate too. People get sick of hearing from you and unsubscribe, which can also be not great from an email point of view, you can get your email account shut down and things like that.

You're also going to need good tech skills because you need to be setting up tech stuff to help people buy, and you need to be setting up funnels and opt-ins and things like to get them into your email list. and to sell to them.


The advantages are low-overheads, and somebody else has actually produced this product and then you're selling it, selling it online, and if you're selling a subscription model, then you're going to get those monthly trial and commissions. That's a big advantage of affiliate commissions where they're opting into a software program with a monthly cost, and you can get those trailing commissions.

I think the best way that affiliate marketing works is if you're actually selling an info-product and then you're also leading people into the software that you are using yourself and you're getting them your affiliate links to go in and buy those products. That's a great way for affiliate marketing to work.

Three Questions You Need to Ask Yourself if You Don't Already Have a Business You Can Take Online...

I've given you advantages and disadvantages for each of those, so how do you know what's right for you? Well, there's three questions that you can ask yourself to know which way to go and which way to concentrate.

Do you have an area of expertise where you could create an info-product?

Think hard about this and write down everything that you really put out because things that you assume that everybody knows, you'll find quickly that they don't. You may have an area that you're really good at, or something that you've been really passionate about for a long time, and done a lot of researching, and that you know a lot about. That's something that you could create an info-product about.

Write down everything that you're good at, everything you know, everything you're passionate about and have a look within there to see if there's something that you could create a course on or something that you could teach people, and then that means that you could have an info-product.

Think very hard too about who your avatar would be that would be interested in this product. If you don't have something like that, then you've gotta move on.

The next question to ask yourself is:

Do you want the stress that comes with doing your own E-commerce business?

Are you interested in doing the research and development? Do you want to have the higher overheads? If that sort of thing turns you on, then that's where you need to go. You need to go into E-commerce.

If you don't want the stress, if you don't want the overheads, you don't want that increased risk, then E-commerce is not for you. Unless you want to use a network marketing company.

The real way to make money through network marketing is to team build.

Are you the sort of person that wants to team build?

Someone who is happy leading, and wants to build a team, and wants to put a lot of effort in, and knows that the road of network marketing is long and hard? Are you that type of person?

If yes, great, go for it. Do your research though into your network marketing companies. There's a lot of them around now, heaps and heaps around, so you want to find one that's producing good quality products who have been around for a long time. Something that you would want to use yourself, then you could be more authentic in what you're doing and what you're saying.

The whole thing with network marketing is in using the product, loving the product, sharing the product, and selling the product, so you need to be using it and loving it yourself.

If you don't want to build a network marketing company, then really that just leaves affiliate marketing.

Now you're going to have to go out, and you have to learn how to build an email list, and how to do opt-ins. You also need to find out how to bring people in, how to engage them, and you're really going to need to learn blogging as well, but you need to especially get really good at copywriting and email.

I hope that helped you work out where you want to go and how you can make money online.

If you would like to chat to me about how I can help you learn to market your business effectively and efficiently online, jump on my calendar so we can have a chat:

I look forward to seeing how I can help you and your business.


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