How To Choose A Research Topic?
Whether you’re in your final year of undergrad, pursuing a Master’s, or working on your PhD, you’ll eventually face the task of completing a research project. The first challenge?
How to choose a research topic?
How much time should you spend deciding?
What factors should you consider when making your choice?
Let’s dive in and explore the answers.
3 main criteria for choosing a research topic
Before learning about how to choose a research topic, let’s understand the essential criteria that must be met to ensure the success of your research project.
Now, let’s look at 3 different ways to choose a research topic!
1. Through a college professor – the simplest way!
Approach Professors: If you’re in a research-focused institute, ask professors if they have any research problems or topics available.
Get Connected: Professors may assign you a topic or connect you with a PhD student or postdoc from their research group for guidance.
Research and Learn: Start exploring the topic by reading review papers, research articles, and books, and engage in discussions with research group members.
This approach provides you with a research topic quickly and ensures much needed support to complete your project effectively.
2. College Website - A more flexible way of choosing a research topic?
Visit College Websites: Check your college or any institute’s website to explore ongoing research by various groups.
Select and Review: Choose a professor from the research groups and review their research topics. Start with their papers to gauge if the topic interests you.
Analyze and Back-Track: Examine keywords and related papers to understand the fundamentals and identify gaps in existing research.
Choose and Confirm: Based on your findings, select a novel research topic. This process, including literature review and understanding fundamentals, may take 1-2 months
For me personally, I was interested in material science and looked at research areas on the NTU Singapore website - eventually finding the exact research topic and professor to guide me for my MS (Masters in Science).
3. The traditional but most fundamental way of choosing a research topic
Start with a broad topic: Choose a broad topic that interests you. Read review papers to understand the broad areas within your topic
Narrow Down: Delve into specific research areas within your chosen topic.
Focus: Identify the area that resonates with you. Explore this area further through books and review papers.
Arrive at a research question: Find the gaps and continue narrowing your focus until you find a unique problem.
Seek Guidance: If needed, consult professors or researchers for direction.
Check out the example below on “Mental Health”
Choose any of these ways mentioned based on what is comfortable to you. But do remember the 3 guiding principles we started this article with:
And once you have completed the research project and want to help the research community - Do publish it!
For those who wish to gain a deeper understanding of research writing and obtain certification, our research writing course is available.?The A-Z of Research Paper Writing & Presentation.
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