How to Choose a Profitable Blog Niche?

How to Choose a Profitable Blog Niche?

Blogging is one of the best ways to follow your passion. If you love doing something and want to share with others across the globe, just start a blog about it after you choose a profitable blog niche.

When you start your blogging journey, the first obstacle you will face is choosing a good blog niche. Finding the right niche is crucial else there are high chances that your blog might be overlooked and lost in the crowd.

What is a Blog Niche?

Many of the beginner bloggers are not much aware of the term “niche”. So, what exactly the word “niche” mean?

In simple terms, it is nothing but a specific topic about which you want to write and share your thoughts with others.

Before starting with blogging, always search for a niche to attract the target audience. But, simply searching a niche is not enough, to build a good blog, it is necessary to understand what a good blog niche requires.

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While beginning with the blog, always give an appropriate name so that the audience has a clear understanding of what they are about to read and receive. For example, if you are planning to write about parenting, then choose a good blog name for your blog which fits the context of parenting niche. Inside your blog categories, you need to include the topics which your audience would love to read like various parenting tips, product suggestions, health advice, home remedies, etc.

However, if you start writing about gaming all of a sudden, you will only confuse and drive away your users. Since this does not meet your target audience’s expectations. Selecting and choosing the right blog niche is very curial before taking blogging seriously.

Study Your Audience

This is the initial step when it comes to deciding the right niche. The best practice is to know what actually people want to read. Understand their queries and suggestions.

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Always everyone wants to focus on being the better version like better parenting, better-eating habits, and a better strategy to make consistent money or better health practices to stay fit and healthy. Hence studying the topic and its audience before choosing it for blogging is equally essential.

The Need for a Blog Niche

You might be thinking, why do you even have to choose a blog niche? Well, there is no rule like that, but if you choose a niche, it comes with some added benefits.

The main purpose of the blog is to write about your passion, views, thought and innovative ideas. When you put it on the web, the same concepts and ideas are shared with the entire world. Hence, once you start blogging about a single niche, you create a brand about your topic, and since it is your brand, you become an expert in that niche. You can always to be the jack of all trades, but it pays to be the master of one.

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As I said earlier, there is no such written rule that you need to pick a single niche to get started, but people who choose a blog niche have seen more success rate and growth in the long term statistically.

When you write about different topics, it is not necessary that your audience would be interested in reading about all the topics which you are writing. Hence, always choosing a blog topic based on audience interest. If you follow a single niche, it is guaranteed that the audience will look forward to reading your post and follow the suggestions too.

Also Read: Things you must know about Blogging!

So we now have a clear understanding of what a niche refers to and why do you need a niche. Now, we can go ahead and understand how you can choose a profitable niche for your blog.

How to choose a profitable blog niche?

Here is a list of all the things you need to take care of when you are planning a niche for your blog. Let’s start with it.

1. Passion

Blogging is all about following your passion and writing about it. You cannot be consistent if you do not enjoy the process. Buy a domain, build a website and customize the design and choose the blog niche which makes you go all excited.

When you are writing, it should not be all about your users, but it should be an exciting experience to you as well. Many people quit blogging after a few months, totally due to lack of interest and you know what is common between all these failed blogs?

Yes, you guessed it right! Choosing a blog niche just by popularity and monetization is where people were wrong most of the times.

Hence, always focus on choosing a blog topic which motivates you to learn and connects with your audience.

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Always think towards the bigger goal. Begin with thinking about your passion and what excites you. Would you enjoy doing the same in the coming years? If yes, then go ahead with the plan to blog it. 

If you are not able to come down to a conclusion, you can start with eliminating some prominent blog niches which you are not comfortable blogging about. It can be due to many reasons like you are not much passionate about it, and you are not sure about discussing the same with your followers and readers.

You can consider only the things that you enjoy doing and would also like to learn about the same shortly. This passion for learning will help you to dive deep in the niche. During the brainstorming session, you can identify the list of niches which suit you best. If you are excited about them, go ahead with the plan.

2. Profitability and Popularity

If you are passionate about blogging, you definitely would also want to monetize the same. To earn via your blog, you need to focus on choosing topics for blogging which falls under a profitable niche. The niche should be profitable to witness monetization. When you earn a good income via blogging, you also feel motivated to work consistently and passionately.

The best possible way to choose a profitable blog niche is to do keyword analysis. If you can notice the presence of AdWords on specific targeted keywords, then it is surely is a profitable niche. This niche can offer benefits in the long term when you blog about it.

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Even when you have a brilliant idea about the blog niche, you might sometimes struggle to attract the target audience. Hence, it is always important to do the research well about the niche, check the size and profitability of the niche. Look for at least top 5-7 best keywords for your niche.

Make sure to tap the niche which has a minimum of 10k monthly searches that includes the top 5 keywords as well. There are plenty of free as well as premium tools which can help you out with the total number of searches, and the same can also be used to identify the value keywords.

But while we are looking for a niche which has a good profitability score, do not forget to keep your interests in mind. You do not want to end up with your mind wrapped around money and forgot about the interest that made you start your blog.

So, look for a profitable niche that you are interested in.

3. Research

To validate the profitability of the website, also do the necessary market research. If you want the right solution to your question on how to choose the blog topic, always do detailed market research. If you enjoy writing about mountaineering as your hobbies, then you can blog about it, but it is wise to see how are the existing blogs are doing around it.

To check the audience and competition just keep a tab on the Google Trends. When you type the keyword “Mountain climbing” you can notice the number of interests shown by people. This analysis will give you an idea about how many audiences are interested to read about mountain climbing.

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In fact, you can study the rise and decline of the trend, avoid the topics which don’t see any growth. Always look for a blogging niche which is stable, and the user demand continuously rises. This will help your blog to notice real organic traffic for years.

If you are looking forward to getting the accurate search volume and data go for the premium tools. This is only advisable once you get an idea about the traffic, keywords, search volume, target market, etc. Once you get a good idea, you can go ahead and do a more detailed analysis of the topics that come under your blog niche.

For beginners, Google Keyword Planner works the best. Begin with entering the primary keywords and get the suggestion of keywords on screen. Sort out the top 5 best keywords for your target niche and look for the search volume for each of the keywords. When you add all of them together, you can get a clear idea about the average monthly reach of the market.

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