How To Choose The Perfect Beer Glass For Every Occasion

How To Choose The Perfect Beer Glass For Every Occasion

Not all beers are created equal. Just take a look at the range of the quality in bottom shelf beers alone and it becomes very obvious. Then there are award-winning craft beers that stand far above all the rest. Clearly, there's a big range when it comes to beer.

Naturally, that means that not all beers should be treated the same. But, we do treat them the same. We pay no attention to centuries of brewing traditions and expert yeast fermentation and absent-mindedly put all kinds of beers in a regular glass (or drink it straight from the bottle). This needs to stop. Just look at the infographic above from Visually (or click here) and you can see that beer glasses are specially crafted glassware. We're not doing our beers any justice by not taking advantage of these gorgeous glasses -- actually, we're missing out on complex aromas and the right kind of beer head. Treat your beer right, and get it a glass.

There's a beer glass out there just right for your beer, and we're going to help you find it.



