Michelle Pippin
Top #businesscoach for #WomenEntrepreneurs. Founder of w/ members in 50 states & 8 countries. Join us!
When I first became a coach, no one knew what a coach was. You had to actually DEFINE it, and use analogies to get people to UNDERSTAND what you did. (And still they usually didn't.) Every coach had a "What is a coach" section of their brochure or -- if they had one -- their website.
Fast forward a few years and you couldn't grab a slurpee at your local 7-11 without running into THREE coaches before leaving.
Today, it's even MORE cluttered.
With "deep fakes" lol...
The $150/ hour private jet photography session. $375 if you want the INTERIOR plane shots... or
The luxury car dealer photography sessions, which if you know someone -- or just have the courage to ask-- you can usually get for free..
ALWAYS have me rolling my eyes. ??
But there are a ton a great coaches too. I know, because I have been actively being coached for decades. And I myself am a great coach. Bottom line: if you are looking for a coach, one that can have you OUTPERFORMING (and out earning) anything you've done in your past, I HOPE you consider joining Women Who WOW and working with me.
BUT, I'm not for everyone.
I'm an ACQUIRED taste.
A BIT risky maybe to be associated with.
VERY honest, so not for the faint of heart or easily offended.
AND I care about your money. (This is BUSINESS coaching, after all.) I ASK about your sales. I check in when you tell me you have a goal. I don't placate excuses, delays and procrastination.
But I also ask about your life. I remind you to LIVE it fully. I am a mirror. My primary goal is to SHOW YOU WHO YOU ARE and who you have always been, so you can step into your TRUEST potential.
So, if that appeals to you, reach out to me THIS WEEK for a deal on Women Who WOW membership that is ONLY for Revival week, which wraps up today with a LIVE video training on "Reviving PROFIT for Women Entrepreneurs." More on that below...
But first, here are FIVE things to look for when choosing a business coach:
?? Seek someone who is willing to give PRACTICAL guidance.
I know, I know... aren't coaches supposed to let you come up with your own answers? I don't know. I've never been interested in that approach. Esoteric, conceptual conversations are enjoyable and fun and relaxing even. But they don't MOVE THE NEEDLE so much.
As a coach, giving practical "try this," "say this," advice takes courage. What if they do it and it doesn't work? What if they step out on faith following your guidance and it goes wrong?
Hire a coach courageous enough to suggest specific courses of action.
?? Seek someone who challenges the status quo.
You can join in the stepfordpreneur, follow the leader march for NO MONEY. You can adopt that loser's limp ANY TIME YOU WANT. You don't need a coach to do what everyone else is doing. Just watch and mimic.
But if you want a business that takes YOU into consideration... that sees YOU and your UNIQUENESS as something to highlight rather than hide, seek a coach who is NOT doing the status quo thing.
?? Seek someone who says and does the hard stuff.
?? Seek someone who TEACHES fundamentals.
There IS money to be made in bright shiny objects, assuming 1) you are wildly disciplined enough to exploit a very short window of opportunity and 2) the timing is JUST right. But it's a whole thing, a massive push in a very short window of time.
PRINCIPLES, fundamentals are what allow you to live and work on your OWN terms, creating PREDICTABLE increase that continues to increase over time.
?? Seek someone who can DEMONSTRATE how they got where they are.
So, if they are married to a TV producer who gave them a major leg up with celebrity guest and production quality, great for them. But if they're SELLING you some other system entirely and IGNORING their own "big break," you'll be disappointed.
If they are selling you YOU TUBE success, but you received the invite to their 3-day event via a direct mail piece... this is something to pay close attention to.
Just make sure what they DO lines up with what they are selling YOU. ??
Bonus ??, taken straight from Dan Kennedy: "Other things being equal, pick the OLDER person." ??
Older in age is good, but older in INDUSTRY is better. Grizzled veterans know MORE than the new kid on the block. Period. They have endured more, overcome more, learned what to anticipate, expect and how to LEVERAGE more tools on the field.
Now, if you know that you should be making MORE money than you are making now, I want you to join me today at NOON EDT on my facebook page. (Link: Women Who WOW The Online Alliance for Seriously Driven Women Entrepreneurs)
Topic: Reviving PROFIT for Women Entrepreneurs.
Bottom line: We make too little of it. We work too hard and too long for too little. And this is absolutely fix-able. Today at noon, we're going to cover:
?? WHY you need to make more money
?? The THREE Fundamentals of making more money -- and what resource you need in order to make EACH happen (which will tell you where you should start)
?? The Income Prevention Department's insidious playbook, which is operating UNDER THE RADAR of too many women's businesses.
?? And more!
PLUS some great gifts from our AMAZING sponsors.. so show up, share the video, invite friends to join you. It's going to be a great day!