How to Choose
Our work and what we create is like a tree with many branches. Starting as a seed, then sprouting a trunk of the core ideas. As the idea grows and takes form, each decision we make becomes a branch splitting off in a new direction, growing finer in detail as it moves out.
We can go in any number of directions, and our choice ultimately alters the final result. But how do we know which direction to take?
It's difficult to assess a work or a choice on its own without another point of reference. Placing two options side by side makes our preferences clearer - any more than two clouds the process.
When testing, don't overanalyze your choice of criteria. The instinctual pull is always the purest - whereas the reasoned thought tends to be processed and distorted through analysis. It's that first instinct, knee-jerk reaction before any thought. The closer we get to a state of free self-expression, the purer the test and the better our work.
No amount of testing can guarantee we've made the best possible decision. These qualities are not measurable. Whichever route you take, completing the journey gets you to the same destination.
3 Takeaways:
Something to Note:
The best version we can be is one to free ourselves from any beliefs or baggage that gets in the way of us acting according to our true nature.