How to check the products Halalness? Check out the following tips

How to check the products Halalness? Check out the following tips

In accordance with Article 3 of Law No. 33 of 2014 of Indonesia, the purpose of implementing halal product guarantees is to provide convenience, security, safety and certainty of the availability of halal products for the public in consuming and using products in a halal way. Therefore, Mimin wants to give 2 tips on how to ensure that Halal People can ensure and be sure that the products consumed are truly Halal.

Do you think the brand you are consuming now is halal or not? Even though the packaging has a halal logo, we still have to be careful too. Double-check and make sure that every product you consume is truly Halal, starting from the ingredients, the processing method and the packaging.

The other 2 tips are:

1. Look for the halal logo on the product packaging

In accordance with PP No. 39 of 2021 Products that enter, circulate, and trade in Indonesian territory must be halal certified. The first thing that needs to be done is to look for the halal logo on the packaging. Even though this is trivial, many people are indifferent to the halal logo on the packaging of the products they consume.

2. Check the website or

Halal personnel can use this second tip. If you are still unsure or questioning the halal status of a product, you can visit the website or On this site, halal people can also check or ensure the halalness of products, cosmetics, medicines, restaurants, and others

How to check halal on the website is

  1. Open the org site or on your favorite browser.
  2. On the website, please fill in the name of the product, the name of the manufacturer, the certificate number and/or Valid End
  3. On the website page, Halal Personnel please fill in the name of the business actor, product name, certificate number and type of product/province up to the business scale
  4. After that, write down the keywords according to the criteria selected earlier
  5. then click "cari" or "search"

After going through these 5 stages, the site will then display the status of the product you want to see.

Basically this article was created so that #InsanHalal can be more careful when using the products consumed / services used by Halal People. Whether it's in the form of food, drinks, cosmetics, restaurants or other categories.

April 27th, 2023. Article By:



