How To Change Your Life By Taking Action
Patricia A Gaines LION
Explode Your Business - Grow Your Income - AL Passive Technology Does It For You.
Is there a secret to happiness? Is it possible to find real peace in a world of dark negative energy illustrated in what we hear and see happening around us? Where do we go to find something positive? Before we can find positive we must want to look for it. Being aware of a problem is the first step to solving it. When we focus on the solution, we can draw the solution to us.
Ed crawled out of bed after another sleepless night, feeling tired and distraught. He had breakfast, turned on his radio to listen to his favorite talk show as he sat down with his computer to check the status of his bank account. It was time for his disability check. Looking at his bank balance drained him of even more energy.
He wanted to change his life, but nothing really proved fruitful for him. Ed attended church every Sunday and led the Worship Service. He spent much of his time driving people to doctor's appointments. Yet, he felt no sense of purpose.
His one frequent comment to his friends was "its humiliating to have to get food from a food bank." Ed's social security check was about seven hundred fifty dollars a month and included medical and housing assistance.
He enjoyed social networking on-line, and enrolled in several internet business programs. Nothing worked because his deep-rooted fear held him back from earning money. He didn't want to lose government benefits. Fear kept Ed from fulfilling his dream of traveling and enjoying life.
Each morning as he listened to the talk show host explain free enterprise and entrepreneurship, his thinking shifted about living his life differently. He began researching how to earn money and become self-sufficient. Within a few weeks Ed enrolled in truck driving school. He found a way to travel the United States and earn a good income
After graduation he immediately found a good job with a large trucking company making four thousand dollars a month with benefits. Ed continued to listen to the talk radio show host while on the road. After pulling into a truck stop for lunch, he called the talk show host to thank him for the help with turning his life around. He was now a giver to society instead of a taker from society.
The pride of ownership of his life and the enthusiasm for a new future was clear in Ed's voice. The education wasn't about social security disability or poverty. Ed learned from the host to take action and overcome fear.
The talk show host asked Ed how he felt about losing his government entitlements. Ed replied, "I am making four thousand dollars a month with benefits, the government can keep the money."
Overcoming fear is action versus reaction. We react when we are fearful. When we are empowered we act. We then can find the happiness and fulfillment we want.
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