How to Change your IDENTITY TODAY!
It is NEVER too late to reidentify?
We live in a world now where people can re identify their genders, how they are addressed and everything else?
Someone in Japan actually decided to identify as a dog?
I do not judge any one of them, to each is their own. That is their God given right?
But what confuses me is that you have ONE or TWO ‘unproductive weeks’
You miss a few gym sessions or don’t eat too great
Now all of a sudden you want to accept yourself as being?
‘Lazy’ ‘fat’ ‘not disciplined’ ‘hopeless’
I remember being lazy with business
I remember eating like a pig and not being honest with myself or my team about my habits?
I remember half ass’ing it in the gym and not putting in half as much effort as I really could?
That WAS me but the difference is I would NEVER accept that as my fate or identity?
Now I can safely and honestly identify as a
> diligent?
> hard working
> honest?
> above average?
Coach who is always striving to be better?
It is never ever to late to change identities ! Please remember that?
Now as some of you actually go onto to take my advice and redesign your future today I want to give you two tips that will catapult you to success and make sure this is the time you change identities and it ACTUALLY WORKS?
I have to shout out Craig Bannatyne a renowned business coach for this one because he is an ultra enthusiast in planning well ahead and sharpening your schedule?
If you are deciding what you need to do in the morning, its likely it will be too late?
Our brains are already overloaded and overstimulated as it is with all the added technology of today, you need to treat it with care and give it enough time to process the tasks for the day…
Night before is always for the win!?
2. Never be afraid to ask for help…?
I’d rather be at the top of the mountain with my guide than be stuck at the bottom or never get to the summit because of my pride?
I had this discussion with someone who was contemplating joining the program?
As human beings we DO 100% have the tools needed to reach our goals within ourselves
I have no doubt and do not disagree with this.. HOWEVER?
If you have been stuck in the same place doing the same thing for years then you are hanging off a cliff and the truth is you NEED a helping hand.. it’s just a fact
YOu’re going to need Someone to pull you up and once you’ve been going, got the momentum going and your brain has collected data of you actually doing what you said you would for a good amount of time?
Then NOW you are in a position to say you want to do it on your own?
This is my honest opinion and the reason I have spent over £10,000 on business coaches and £1000s on coaches for fitness as well as my education in Nutrition, Exercise and Functional Medicine…?
Even now I follow the programs made for me by our in house coach, Coach Stefan?
Take these two tips serious with your re identification and I guarantee you will win?
If you want to learn more about working with myself and the Mind Body Online Coaching team, click this link to book a learn more call ???
?? & ??
2 年Michael, thanks for sharing!