How to change your career for health, wellbeing and lifestyle
Sue Ellson
Independent LinkedIn Specialist - Digital Mentor, Coach, Author, Educator, Consultant, Career Development Practitioner, Founder, Gigster, Keynote Speaker, Trainer, Poet, Writer, Business Social Marketing, AI??
How to change your career for health, wellbeing and lifestyle
If you have had a change in your health, wellbeing or lifestyle, you probably have some very good reasons to consider changing your career.
It could be in small increments (recommended) or massive changes (not recommended) - see step 7.
However, like every challenge in life, it is MUCH better if you adopt a practical strategy rather than make a sudden decision without any reliable information or wallow around in endless tactics that lead nowhere.
Here are some of my recommendations:
1. Reflect on your current state of mind
If your health, wellbeing or lifestyle is at a point where you really need to reconsider your options, the first challenge you will face are your own thoughts and beliefs. Do you have the courage to ask yourself the tough questions?
Perhaps you have friends and family who are accustomed to you being a certain way or they may value the 'security' of a particular type of work. Let me assure you, no career, business or enterprise is immune from a sudden change.
If you are considering some options that are different to the people closest to you, it may be difficult to even talk about what is important to you and why you feel the need to change your career or something about your current working arrangements.
If you are aware of these influences BEFORE you start your research, it will make it much easier to go beyond your comfort zone and consider new options.
For example, you may come from a family of origin that values a prestigious job in a well-recognised enterprise.
On the other hand, you may want to explore your creative talents.
Ask yourself if you are considering your options because you have been denied a choice in the past or because you felt obligated to stay somewhere or because you were fearful of losing the 'security' of your current situation.
Be clear about the internal and external influences affecting you and look deep within to what is important for you.
At the same time, be realistic when assessing your options as some choices involve a significant financial change and may not be realistic right now - but you can start moving in a new direction.
Ask yourself if you are 'holding back' on making a career change because of the influence of other people in your life.
2. Identify your values, strengths and context
I have talked about this in more detail in another article about values, strengths and context here.
a. Values - what you offer for payment and what is important to you
b. Strengths - what you are naturally good at and what you have learnt and enjoyed
c. Context - your current life situation and any factors that affect the range of choices you can make
I believe that one of the most significant of these three is your context.
There are certain times and stages in our lives when some options are simply not an option. We may have other responsibilities or commitments or be unable to work in a location for a variety of reasons.
It is perfectly okay to have 'work for now.' That doesn't mean it will be forever, but if your other high priority values are being met, sometimes we can adjust our focus accordingly.
For example, when my children were young, I did not have access to childcare or local support from my family of origin. During this time, I spent less time in paid work, accepted partial welfare payments and volunteered in my community to provide an 'exchange' for the welfare payments. My highest priority at that time was being with my children and this worked for me and I also supported my local community. I wasn't on the take.
3. Start exploring your options (study and experience)
Many people assume that to change your career, you need to go back to formal education and start all over again with an expensive and lengthy course.
Not true.
Most people, if they have been working for some time (or have a hobby), will have acquired both experience and transferable skills. A few specific micro credentials could be all you need to change careers.
There are various courses that include a 'Recognition of Prior Learning' component but before you go to a provider of courses that will naturally recommend a course that will probably cost you money or be government funded and help them earn money, why not go out and get some experience first?
For example, I met a woman who had been in banking but wanted to be an aircraft pilot but wasn't sure about the huge cost of the training to become a pilot. I suggested that she purchase 10 flying lessons to put herself in the cockpit and see if what she imagined would be the 'reality' going forward.
No, it would not give her the qualifications she needed, but it would give her a great experience that would clarify whether enrolling in a flying course would be right for her or not - and she gets to enjoy 10 flying lessons in the process! She will also save a fortune if it isn't quite right after all.
4. Talk to at least three people (for specific insights)
How often do we discuss our daily concerns with a significant other person, close friend or family member, even a current co-worker? Do they have the skills, experience, qualifications and capabilities to provide informed and reliable career or business advice for your circumstances?
Can they give you direct lived experience and factual information about the change you are seeking? Do any of these people have a bias in their recommendations (a profit or status quo motive - a recruiter makes money if they place you in a role and you stay for three months or more and a 'best friend' may feel intimated if you move up the career ladder and they don't)?
If you are considering a career change, I recommend that you speak to at least three people about it. I would suggest one of those be an independent career specialist who may also have connections to the industry or profession of interest to you. Another could be someone who has been in the industry or profession for many years and they can give you information and insights that are not published online. The third could be someone who made the transition into that industry from somewhere else and is still within the role three years after the move. These people could be in your home location or overseas.
Your goal here is to go beyond the process of learning how to do a job and start learning the techniques for getting a job. It is about assessing your options with qualitative and quantitative information from people who can save you all the time it took for them to get that experience. In fact, if you can talk to more than three people first, that would be fabulous!
For example, I recently worked with a client who has started a new role that involves appearing in court to provide evidence in very difficult cases. I referred them to another client of mine who does the same in a different field and they will be able to discuss the challenges confidentially and without a conflict of interest because they have different fields of expertise. This will also help the client avoid any potential pitfalls and I know that the person providing the advice will relish the opportunity to share their wisdom with someone just starting out.
5. Consider a transition approach
I understand that sometimes, a transition is thrust upon us (like if we suddenly lose our job, have a health crisis or move locations) and we may not have the luxury of time to transition from one career to another.
When I was sacked when I was pregnant with my first child, I was shocked. I vowed never to be without options ever again and I made a firm commitment to continuous learning to ensure that I will always be able to secure paid work. I also start planning my next career change whilst I am in my current career, approximately five years ahead of the transition date.
It may not be possible for you to do that. But as I mentioned with the aircraft pilot above, a transition approach could be very helpful.
For example, there was a person who was a very talented graphic designer who loved making jewellery. After creating a financial buffer, they gave up their job and went full time making jewellery. Unfortunately, it is very time consuming to make jewellery by hand and not everyone is willing to pay for that time and not only did they become very frustrated with this constant battle to be paid for their worth, they lost a lot of income. If this person had built up their customer base before making the transition to full time jewellery making, they could have assessed its viability first.
Some people also 'ruin' a hobby they have had by trying to make a profit out of something that is not immediately profitable. There are also plenty of tasks that I complete for no profit or financial return, but I love the experience!
6. Make a start on cataloguing your past
This is really important and yet most people assume that the past is irrelevant and only the future counts. Not true. You will have acquired many transferable skills that you can use in your next career. You have grown and developed. However, most decision-makers will want to have some idea of your background to see if it matches with their expectations.
The process of cataloguing your past will help you identify your values and strengths, the tasks you enjoyed, the culture you preferred and other subtle preferences like location, layout, management styles, culture, vibe etc. Please, write all of your experiences down as in a few years time, you will forget what you did and when you did it.
Naturally, as an Independent LinkedIn Specialist, I recommend that you do this on LinkedIn! In as much detail as you can (without affecting your personal safety or commercial confidentiality). Focus on sharing the most relevant information in a scan friendly way (short bullet points) listing Achievements in past tense, Tasks in present tense and including a description of the enterprise. Don't forget to attach some Media items and list your Skills for each role.
For example, one student of mine was an illusionist and most people he met asked him how he became an illusionist. Whilst it was a passion and interest of his, the transition was made after he hurt his back and he could no longer be an international airline pilot. This was a difficult transition and not something he felt comfortable explaining over and over and over again. If this information was on his LinkedIn Profile, he could just invite people to connect on LinkedIn and read his profile and be spared repeating the same story ever again!
7. Begin the transition process
You may not be able to quit today and start somewhere else tomorrow, but you can make a START today.
Perhaps you can start connecting with people in your field of interest and build up the size of your network in that new profession. Or book an appointment with a career specialist.
Or complete a free or low-cost micro credential or even watch some videos on YouTube.
Join some online groups of other people in the industry or profession. Become a member of the relevant industry association and see if they have a mentoring program or can provide referrals to people you can talk to.
Investigate prospects in the industry - demand, salary, qualifications etc on a website like
Update your LinkedIn Profile with all of your experience and fill in all the sections in detail. Please choose all of the free and low cost options first. They may be enough.
For example, one client of mine had moved to Melbourne, Australia from a very high-level public relations position in New York. Whilst they were very happy to have a much more balanced lifestyle, they missed the challenge of their previous role. This person had always wanted to be a graphic designer and so they started an evening course and suddenly met their 'tribe' and their passion and realised that this was what they really wanted after all - a balance of life and work with both challenge and family time.
8. Get connected and ask for referrals
You can have 30,000 Connections on LinkedIn and an unlimited number of followers. In the past, everyone was very secretive about who they knew and what they could do. Nowadays, we need databases (and datasets) to help us be found for our capabilities and when we are found, we need the content to help people self-select the next action they take which is aligned with our goals.
I believe it is not what you know or even who you know. It is who refers you and how you can be verified independently. LinkedIn can help.
Make sure that your LinkedIn Profile has at least six Recommendations that you have both given and received. Reach out to people in the new profession or industry and invite them to connect with you. Mention that you would value a brief chat to discuss your options and politely ask them for referrals or recommendations.
For example, a person who recently arrived in Melbourne went to an event and got chatting to one of the guests who invited him to a social event on the weekend. He went to the social event and met someone else who referred him to an inhouse role that matched his skills and expertise and they became both friends and workmates.
9. Experiment and trial some alternatives
Sometimes it is not until you are actually in a role or an enterprise that you really understand what it would be like to be there on an ongoing basis. For example, I do not believe you should buy a franchise unless you have worked in it for at least a week.
If there is an opportunity to visit some workplaces, complete a trial, participate in an event or meet with some employees who work there, you will gain a much greater understanding of the workplace beyond what is mentioned about the enterprise online or from a few random people. Don't assume that only one enterprise in one location is your only option.
For example, one client assumed that the only type of role he was interested in with his skills would be in the CBD of Melbourne. He wasn't aware of any large employers located near where he lived - but he hadn't even looked! Do some research and see if you can find a role that is close to home. Reducing your commute time can create a much better work - life balance.
10. Decide and move forward
Hopefully by now, you have enough information to make a well-informed decision or you may even be willing to take the risk and manage what happens as you go along.
So many people want to jump straight to this step, but without some clarification beforehand, you run the risk of regretting your decision and then assuming that the entire career change process was unsuccessful.
This has certainly been the experience of some people who suddenly quit their jobs in 'The Great Resignation' during the COVID-19 pandemic, falsely assuming that the grass would be greener somewhere else.
Regardless of what decision you make, ultimately, you need to MAKE a decision first. Some people get through all of the above steps, but through a perceived lack of support or encouragement, they hold themselves back and don't make a career change and then regret the fact that they never made a start on their goals.
If you have been in this position, please do not beat yourself up. Clearly, you were not ready at the time and maybe now you are! You may not have had clarity around your values, strengths and context either.
Don't wait for 100% to go ahead. If you have completed 80% of the above steps, and you have clarified that you can manage any consequences of your decision, now could be the time to take that leap of faith - even if it is only a small part of the overall leap you would like to make.
For example, one of my clients had resisted following her passion of working with children because her parents had made it clear she would only be a success if she was a doctor, lawyer or a very highly qualified professional. When we met, she was at a low point. Her boss was exploiting her talents for minimum wage and once she realised what was holding her back, she suddenly took the leap of faith and started studying part time and transitioned successfully. A few years later, she decided to change again and with the previous experience behind her, she was well aware of the steps she would need to take to change careers again.
I hope these steps provide you with a roadmap for your next steps - but of course, they are not the only steps! If you would like some support, I am here to help and you can book a time to discuss your next steps by contacting me directly.
Here are some links to other articles that may also be of interest to you.
Articles by Sue Ellson
How to choose your next job or career
Could finding a job or work be a psychological mind game?
Multiple Job Search Strategies that will work
Can unemployment be good for you?
Tough Love for Unemployed Job Seekers under 30 years of age
Tough Love for Unemployed Job Seekers between 30 and 50 years of age
Tough Love for Unemployed Job Seekers over 50 years of age
Articles from other websites
Changing your career by MyGov
Want a career change but don't know where to start? Here's what to do
How to Prepare for a Career Change: Step-By-Step Guide
9 Steps To Change Your Career Path at Any Age
6 steps to a successful career change
6 mistakes to avoid when making a career change
Going freelance full time in 2024? Here’s how to make it work
All of my books discuss career change too!
Naturally, I would also recommend that you buy my latest book, 'LinkedIn for me and my career or business' - give yourself a gold star LinkedIn Profile and Page by completing the practical and values-aligned steps - launched 23 January 2023.
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First Published:?14 January 2023
Last Update:?17 January 2023
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Sue Ellson?GK BBus, MPC, PCDAA, ASA, WV, SPN, MEdPlus is an Independent LinkedIn Specialist, Business and Careers Consultant, Trainer and Author.
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Questions directly via email sueellson [at]
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1 年Love this, Sue. This post is timely, just what I need to move forward. Thank you for your encouragement.
Great insights, Sue! Taking a strategic approach to career change is crucial for our wellbeing. Thanks for sharing these valuable steps for a successful transition. Love Wellthypods.