How To Change Your Attitude And Vision — Interview With Brionne Hopkins (Part 2)
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How To Change Your Attitude And Vision — Interview With Brionne Hopkins (Part 2)

If you have not read the first part of this interview, please go back to make sure you enjoy the full commentary of the host, Kale Houser, and the interviewed, Brionne Hopkins.

Kale:?So few businesses are one-off sales, even car sales. Every couple years people come in to buy new cars or additional cars.

Brionne:?I have noticed that. 10 years ago you could get away with that because you had access to limited places.

If you wanted to go buy a Toyota, you had limited places to go get one. The internet wasn’t as broad as it is now, so you couldn’t just hop on there and search every dealership in the country like you can now.

With that, the service first mentality is what’s going to be your differentiator, because you probably won’t beat Vroom or Carvana or Carfax in price.

How do you win? Well, you win with the experience. People are more so now than ever paying for the experience. How can you bring that to your customers and any industry?

It doesn’t matter what you are doing, you have to be able to have that service-first mentality. To give them the experience of a lifetime, and it starts with your attitude.

Kale:?What’s scary is that it’s much more difficult to think of that awesome experience as it is the bad experience.

That destroys a reputation.

Brionne:?On average, if somebody has a really good experience, they will tell three people. If they have a really bad experience, they will tell on average 16 people, plus Google, etc.

I always tell people that six-star customer service is mandatory. Five star is not enough anymore. Especially if you want to repeat business, and almost every business survives on repeat business.

Another thing with the car sales too, back in the day people used to have bad experiences with car sales where they have been really pushing, really aggressive and really forceful, getting you to sign with all that pressure selling.

Dealerships have to adjust, because you can’t do that anymore. Customers will just go online and buy their car and then you have lost them forever.

Kale:?Now, I ask all my guests if they see a difference between what you would classify a manager versus someone you would classify as a leader, whether in your own personal experience or in companies that you have been helping?

Brionne:?I think there is a distinct difference. A manager is somebody who barks orders, who usually in my experience dominates with the iron fist. Their way or the highway.

Where I have seen some of the best leaders explain the “Why” to their team members, leading them to be cooperative and motivated because they understand what they are doing and why they are doing it.

A lot of managers will say: “Go do that, I need you to do that”. However, they don’t say why. The person goes and does it, but they don’t do it with any enthusiasm. They don’t do it with any motivation.

Whereas if you said: “Hey, I need you to clean those four tables so that we can get more people in, because the more people we get in, the more money we make, the more we can promote”, people are going to be more receptive to doing that task.

Managers are there for a paycheck and they want things done a very certain way. A leader is there because they see the vision and they have passion in what they are doing.

They have passion for people. They are service-first focused. That’s the big distinction I have seen, just the caring part. There’s not a leader that doesn’t have that emotional attachment to his team or her team.

It’s just very straightforward and the leadership side of it will show you that: “I will be in the trenches with you. I will get down in the muck with you”.

I have watched business owners go and clean toilets, because a customer complained about the bathroom and everybody else was tied up. He decided that this decision was the best for his employees and his place at the time.

I have heard a lot of this mentality of: “We will get it when we can”. I don’t believe in this mentality for one second.

Another thing with leaders I have seen is they hold time management very high and they never say: “I don’t have time to do it”. That’s probably the biggest lie you could tell yourself.

You always have time. You are just not using your time wisely. Great leaders are very good at time management.

Kale:?You touched on a key point that my previous guest had not touched; that a manager is almost just like any other employee.

Brionne:?Managers are notorious for this, but they are the first to take accountability when it’s something good and they are the first ones to deflect it when it’s something bad.

A leader will say that it’s their fault. Even if they didn’t do it directly, they will say: “That was my fault. I will fix it. I didn’t train them properly.” They take accountability and they say it.

Kale:?Which speaks to just a basic understanding of the human mentality. We want to feel included in the good and not blamed for the bad.

Now, if people want to be a part of what you are doing, if they want to join your world or even just follow and see what you have got going on, what’s the best way for them to get ahold of you?

Brionne:?You go to our website, it’s? We do have an information sheet on there that you can fill out with your contact information, and one of my team will reach out to you.

We also have Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn as well.

If there’s anything, if you just want to keep tabs on what we are doing and see what’s going on, those are great ways to do that.

Kale:?Brionne, any last parting words? Thank you so much for being with me. I have greatly enjoyed hearing about what you have got going on and especially the leadership aspect of it.

Brionne:?I don’t really have any parting words. The only thing I would tell you is for all of you reading, be unreasonable with your goals. I learned that from Grant Cardone, but be unreasonable with your goals. Never settle and never drop your target.

If your goal is up here, don’t compromise yourself and always do more and more. Don’t compromise your goals and if you are not setting goals, definitely do that. Find a way to accompany them.

A lot of studies have found that if you set your goal low and hit it, then productivity slows down.

Having higher goals will keep your team motivated all the time.

Kale:?That’s a perfect way to end it because that is absolutely critical to both business and just people in general in their personal life.

So thank you for your time.

Brionne:?Of course Kale. Thank you for having me.

What are the ways instilled at your workplace that make sure a six-star service is in place? Would you add any others to them?

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