Author: Boaz Fadun

THE DISCONNECT IS SHOCKING; we preach the Gospel and yet contradict its life-giving message with a toxic church culture. 

We sing about the boundless grace of God; however, we have little time for each other. We preach sins forgiven by a gracious God; however, we have difficulty forgiving one another. We preach God’s unconditional grace towards us; however, we put conditions upon our relationships. Conversely, as Churches, we can be too slack as well. We rightly preach that a saved life produces fruit however are not always willing to graciously call out sin in our brother or sister. 

Let’s learn a fundamental lesson that Peter learned in Galatians chapter two, OUR CONDUCT IS OFTEN OUT OF STEP WITH THE GOSPEL.

The Gospel is a no-strings-attached message Christ’s work is sufficient to save a sinner like you and me. This should produce humble hearts, a loving community that is on a mission for the Lord Jesus.


11 But when Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned. 12 For before certain men came from James, he was eating with the Gentiles; but when they came he drew back and separated himself, fearing the circumcision party. 13 And the rest of the Jews acted hypocritically along with him, so that even Barnabas was led astray by their hypocrisy. 14 But when I saw that their conduct was not in step with the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas before them all, “If you, though a Jew, live like a Gentile and not like a Jew, how can you force the Gentiles to live like Jews?” Galatians 2:11-14


Peter’s tragic sin shows us to become a healthy gospel community. Let's dig into the context of the book of Galatians. Paul has been forced to defend both his apostleship and his gospel in these two chapters. And so far, he has made an excellent case.

Paul’s main point in chapter one is that the Lord Jesus himself revealed his gospel to Paul. He didn’t get it from the other apostles, nor from Jerusalem but from the source himself, his Savior Jesus Christ.

In chapter two, we see Paul’s confidence in this message; he didn’t yield even for a moment to the false teachers. He refused to require Titus to be circumcised. Titus didn’t need anything extra to be accepted by the Church; his salvation was sufficient for Church fellowship.

THE SECTION CONCLUDES IN VERSES 8-10 WITH PAUL’S PRIMARY PUNCH LINE. Although Paul did not require the Church leaders from Jerusalem to bless his work, they did. So far, so good Paul is nailing the argument that his apostleship is valid and his gospel is true. 

Then we read verses 11-14, and the first time I read these verses, I was caught off guard. Paul, why would you admit you had a conflict with the most influential apostle? Will this enhance your case? Especially after the excellent point that Paul had the blessing of the Church leaders.

The answer to this question is yes it does advance Paul’s argument. It goes back to Chapter 1 verse 8 “But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.”

Paul isn’t concerned about pleasing people. He’s concerned with getting the gospel right. Not only the content of the gospel but that the Church aligns its culture with the Gospel it preaches. 


So as verse 12 says, Peter enjoyed the freedom of eating with gentiles. This may sound strange to us. However, under the old covenant, Israel had strict dietary restrictions such as not eating pork. They were to be a separated people and not mix with the gentiles. 

Peter struggled to let go of this tradition. It took Lord Jesus revealing himself in a dream explaining to Peter salvation is by grace alone and not by law. Now, all that food you refuse is now clean (you can read more of this account in Acts 10). So now Peter is liberated to enjoy fellowship with all believers.

The problem occurs when James, an influential leader in Jerusalem, comes with messengers from Jerusalem. Now we do not know precisely what was said in this meeting. But we know that it was enough for Peter to stop eating with gentiles out of fear of the “circumcision party.” This phrase is used throughout the book of acts. Most likely, it is referring to non-believing Jews who were putting pressure on the  Jewish Christians. 

Scholar D.A. Carson believes what is happening in this passage is Peter is reasoning to himself to reach the Jewish people, he must stop meeting with the gentiles, and it will ease the persecution of the Jewish Christians back in Jerusalem. Whatever Peter’s reasoning was, Paul is not afraid to call Peter out for this. Notice the language Paul uses to describe Peter’s action. 

Verse 11, “He stood condemned”

verse 12 Acted Hypocritically; He led others astray,

verse 13 Conduct was not in step with the truth of the gospel

Here is Paul’s point:

to discredit genuine believers and refuse them fellowship is out of step with the gospel. The center of our fellowship is the gospel of Jesus Christ.

So, what does this passage teach us practically? If we’re going to be the kind of Church that has a gospel culture, we must have Grace-based relationships.   



Our fellowship isn’t based on whether we agree with homeschooling or public schooling, a political party, our dress, our view on eschatology,  even our views on baptism. Our fellowship is based upon the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is not based on performance or tradition but on Christ crucified. 

Paul says it best in Romans 15:3 “welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.”. Do our churches have higher standards than Christ does? If God accepts people like you and me based upon the finished work of Christ, why should we not accept others based on his work as well? 

We will have plenty of differences but let us rally around our common salvation. Let’s talk about the Lord together, share his message to others together, serve the Church together rejoicing in the goodness of his grace.


Remember the context here. Paul has just made a compelling case that the Jerusalem Church blessed his ministry, and now Paul is picking a fight with the great Apostle among them. Here is the point Paul desires to make abundantly clear Christ has complete authority in his Church. Peter was a great apostle who was used mightily by God, but even he needed to submit to the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Church leaders you are not the saviour of the church so stop acting like it. God has given the role of elders to be undershepherds looking to the chief shepherd to guide and lead his Church on his mission. When facing a difficult decision in the Church always, I repeat always make it looking to please Christ the head of the Church and not as people pleasers.


We’ve focused at length on the importance of being gracious as Christ is gracious. However, there is a warning for us all about sin. Peter’s personal decision led others astray, including another critical leader Barnabas. 

The Gospel is so powerful it changes our hearts and lives. It changes the way we relate to God and others. When we sin, yes, we are selfish; however, the implications of our selfishness are way beyond ourselves. You may say, well, I can’t forgive someone; well, your personal decision of not forgiving someone has considerable implications in the Church. It causes a ripple effect in the Church that is contrary to the gospel. Our attitude in the Church matters and affects others. 


We are ending halfway through the conversation between Paul and Peter. Paul keeps going. He unpacks the gospel in such a brilliant way. Showing how legalism and the gospel are direct opposites; they are incompatible. Presenting the gospel to those outside God’s grace is essential; it is the message whereby people are converted. But the whole bible is about this message. The Church desperately needs the gospel of the Lord Jesus.

Those who teach the Church please listen. Pick a book of the bible and teach it within the context of the story of scripture. If you desire training, please do not hesitate to reach out to me, and I will send you some great resources. We desperately need more Churches that teach the Lord’s people the Good news of the gospel throughout scripture. Bible teachers always remember:

Gospel content produces a gospel culture.


The Gospel truly is the only hope for the Church. When the Church was marked by division looking to certain men, Paul crushed their human pride by exalting the cross. Arrogance, selfishness, discouragement, false teaching has a cure at the cross of Jesus Christ. Keep looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our Churches faith. 

Writing on the church is a tricky task. With so many backgrounds that come on this site, I’m sure to offend someone. That is not my intention. Here are a few helpful articles from various bible teachers from various backgrounds. Though they use different language, different theological perspectives, they really get to the heart to have a gospel culture.


A Precious Seed magazine article on fellowship. This is a older article from 1955. What I found interesting is that this article is labeled as “for young  believers.” I am afraid many leaders in the ‘brethren movement” do understand the principles laid out in this article. ( )


Gavin Ortlund has had a very interesting journey theological. Raised pedobaptism in college he came to the conviction of credo-baptism. Once he got into Baptist circles he sometimes got into trouble on his views on the age of the earth and his view on the millennium. In this book theological triage he shows what doctrines are essential to the gospel and church membership. ( )


Ray Ortlund is was one of my favorite Pastors. I disagree with his view on baptism however his messages are so Christ-centered so practical that one cannot deny that God is not speaking through him. Here is his article on gospel culture. ( )

 This artice first appeared here => 

Conley Wilmoth

Calling Christian to maintain the unity to which we were called (Eph. 4:1f).

3 年

Very interesting points.

somai group


3 年

Amen ooo



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