How to change PHP version in webuzo?
Aniruddh Diwan
Boosting Online Visibility | SEO Outreach Specialist | Strategic Link-Building & Partnerships
To change the PHP version in Webuzo you can follow these steps effectively:?
Steps to change PHP version in Webuzo:
1. Login to the Webuzo Control Panel:
First of all do access your Webuzo Control Panel using your credentials.?
2. Navigate to the PHP settings:
Now search for the option labelled as something like “PHP settings” or “PHP Configuration” in the Control Panel. It Will be located under the “server settings” or in the “server configuration” section.?
3. Select PHP version:
In the PHP setting section, You might see a drop down menu or radio button which allows you to choose the PHP version you want, Do select the desired PHP version which you want from the available options.?
4. Apply Changes:?
After selecting the desired PHP version for there will be a button or option to apply the changes. Click on it and do save your location.?
5. Restart Web Server:?
Sometimes changing the PHP version do requires restarting the Web server for the changes to take the effect. Do look for the option to restart the Web server in the control panel and then click on it.?
6. Verfiy the Changes:?
Once the Web server is restarted do verify that the PHP version has been updated correctly. Do can effectively do this by creating a PHP file with the ‘php info ()’ function and accessing it via Web browser.?
By effectively following these steps, you can effectively change the PHP version in Webuzo successfully.