How to Change PHP Configuration on a Bare Metal Server
How to Change PHP Configuration on a Bare Metal Server

How to Change PHP Configuration on a Bare Metal Server

Managing a bare metal server can feel challenging, but changing PHP configurations doesn't have to be. PHP powers many web applications, and adjusting its settings can improve performance and security.?

This article will show you how to change PHP configuration on your bare metal server. You'll learn to identify your PHP version, locate the php.ini file, and modify key settings. With clear steps, you'll gain control over memory limits, upload sizes, and execution times.?

No advanced expertise is required—just follow along. Ultimately, you can customize PHP to fit your application's needs. Let's get started and make your server work better for you.


Before you start, ensure you meet the requirements. Changing PHP settings on a bare metal server needs certain tools and permissions.

Server Access

Basic Command-Line Skills

PHP Installed

  • Confirm PHP is installed on your server.
  • Check the PHP version for compatibility with your applications.

Running Web Server

  • Ensure your web server (Apache or Nginx) is running.
  • Will need to restart it after changing PHP configurations.

Backup Capability

Step By Step Guide on How to Change PHP Configuration on a Bare Metal Server

This step-by-step guide helps you easily modify PHP settings on your bare metal server.

Step 1: Identify the Installed PHP Version

First, determine which PHP version your server uses. Open your terminal and run:

php -v

This command displays the installed PHP version. Knowing the version helps you locate the correct configuration files.

Step 2: Locate the php.ini File

Next, find the php.ini file, which contains PHP's settings.

Common Locations

Depending on your system and PHP version, the php.ini file may be in different places.

For Linux systems:

  • Apache module:


  • Command-line interface (CLI):


  • For Windows systems:



Replace X.X with your PHP version number.

Use a Command to Find the Loaded Configuration File

You can also run:

php --ini

This command lists the configuration files PHP uses. Look for "Loaded Configuration File" to see the path to php.ini.

Step 3: Backup the Existing Configuration File

Before you edit the php.ini file, create a backup. This step ensures you can restore the original settings if needed.

Create a Backup

Use this command:

sudo cp /path/to/php.ini /path/to/php.ini.bak

Replace /path/to/php.ini with the actual path to your php.ini file. This command copies the file to a new backup file named php.ini.bak.

Step 4: Edit the php.ini File

You need to edit the php.ini file to change PHP's settings.

Open the File

Use a text editor to open the file. You can use nano, vim, or another editor.

sudo nano /path/to/php.ini

Replace /path/to/php.ini with the actual path to your php.ini file.

Modify the Settings

Find the settings you want to change. Common settings include:

  • memory_limit: Limits the memory a script can use.


memory_limit = 256M

  • upload_max_filesize: Sets the maximum upload file size.


upload_max_filesize = 50M

  • post_max_size: Defines the maximum size of POST data.


post_max_size = 50M

  • max_execution_time: Sets how long a script can run before it stops.


max_execution_time = 300

Adjust the values to fit your needs. Remove any semicolons (;) at the start of the lines to uncomment them.

Save and Close the File

After making your changes, save the file and exit the editor.

  • In nano, press Ctrl + O to save, then Ctrl + X to exit.
  • In vim, type :wq and press Enter.

Step 5: Restart the Web Server

To apply the new settings, restart your web server.

For Apache

Run this command:

sudo systemctl restart apache2

For Nginx with PHP-FPM

Restart both PHP-FPM and Nginx:

sudo systemctl restart phpX.X-fpm

sudo systemctl restart nginx

Replace X.X with your PHP version number.

Check the Server Status

Ensure the server restarted correctly.

sudo systemctl status apache2


sudo systemctl status nginx

If there are errors, review your php.ini file for mistakes.

Step 6: Verify the Changes

Confirm that your changes are now active.

Create a PHP Info File

In your web server's root directory, create a new file:

sudo nano /var/www/html/info.php

Add this line:


<?php phpinfo(); ?>

Save and close the file.

Access the File in a Browser

Open your web browser and go to:



You'll see a page displaying PHP's configuration. Look for the settings you changed to verify they have updated.

Delete the PHP Info File

For security reasons, remove the file after checking.


sudo rm /var/www/html/info.php

This step prevents others from accessing sensitive information.

Additional Tips

Check which PHP modules are enabled. Use php -m to list them.

  • Mind PHP Extensions

Ensure required PHP extensions are installed for your applications.

  • Separate Configurations

Remember that CLI and web server PHP configurations may differ. Edit the correct php.ini file.

  • Use Comments Wisely

Keep notes in your php.ini by commenting lines with a semicolon (;).

  • Regular Updates

Keep PHP and your web server software up to date for security and performance.

  • Monitor Performance

Adjust settings gradually and monitor how changes affect your server.


  • Changes Not Applied

Restart the webserver to apply changes. Confirm you edited the right php.ini file.

  • Syntax Errors

If PHP fails to run, check php.ini for syntax mistakes. Look for missing semicolons or incorrect values.

  • Permission Issues

If you can't save changes, ensure you have the necessary permissions. Use sudo if required.

  • Server Errors After Restart

Check error logs for Apache (/var/log/apache2/error.log) or Nginx (/var/log/nginx/error.log).

  • PHP Info Not Showing Changes

Clear your browser cache. Sometimes old information persists due to caching.

  • Conflicting Settings

Verify there are no duplicate settings in php.ini. The last entry usually overrides the previous ones.

  • Multiple PHP Versions Installed

Ensure the web server uses the PHP version you modified. Disable unused PHP versions if necessary.

  • Unintended Overrides

Check for .htaccess or .user.ini files that might override php.ini settings.

Wrapping Up

When you know the steps, changing PHP configuration on a bare metal server is straightforward. By identifying your PHP version, locating the php.ini file, and adjusting the settings, you can optimize your server for your application's needs. Remember to back up configuration files and verify your changes to ensure everything works smoothly.

If you need help configuring PHP on a bare metal server, contact our expert tech team at RedSwitches. We're here to assist you in getting the most out of your server.

This is a super helpful guide for anyone managing a bare metal server! ?? Your step-by-step approach to configuring PHP makes it accessible for even those with basic command-line skills. The focus on performance and security is spot on, especially with those key settings like memory limits and upload sizes. Thanks for the valuable insights—this is a must-read for web developers working on optimization! ?? #BareMetalServer #WebDevelopment #PHPTips #ServerManagement #TechGuide #ServerOptimization



