How CBeebies Shapes the Beebies of Tomorrow

How CBeebies Shapes the Beebies of Tomorrow

The BBC calls its children's channel CBeebies.

Which stratagem does it use?

Number 24: ?Borrow the road to conquer Guo“. This means getting your foot in the door to take over the system from the inside in the long term (Senger 2004: 307-342).

The CBeeBies of today are the BBCs of tomorrow. In this way, the name of the British television broadcaster is implanted in the youngest members of society from the very beginning and made the quality medium of first choice for them.

They grow up with Her Majesty's ( granted) high-quality kids' TV program and don't even realize that they have been “programmed” to watch the BBC from the very beginning in order to ensure that the UK's state broadcaster retains media sovereignty.

This stratagemic interpretation may sound “brutal”. In fact, however, it tells the same story as when we talk about brand building, customer loyalty and generational branding.


  1. Senger, Harro von (2004): Strategeme. Band Zwei (Strategeme 19-36). Bern: Scherz Verlag. 3rd ed.



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