How to Catapult Your Next 90 Days
Barbara Nixon
The Leaders Secret Weapon | Helping Leaders elevate and grow | Exec Success & Leadership Coach, Consultant, and Award Winning Trainer & Speaker | Founder: Smash Your Own Ceiling | 1-1 | Group Programmes | Mastermind
Have you ever thought about what you could actually get done in 90 days if you just set a goal, and totally focused on making it happen?
How often do we actually do that? Really?!!
I was thinking about this last month when I was chatting to a client about how we were about to go into Quarter 2 of the year, and how it's common to suddenly become aware of how fast the year is going.
In fact I see a lot of people think...
'What have I achieved?'
'I'm not where I wanted to be'
But the thing is that the year is no-where near fact it's just getting going...but it's also why this is actually the perfect time to create a 90 day Get it Done plan and go for your main goal...big time!
I mean, imagine what you could achieve by July if you went all in?
You could:
Grow your audience
Get more clients
Finish that course / book
Finish that project
Go for that promotion
Think of the thing that would really move the needle for you right now but always seems to get shoved to the back burner.
This is exactly what I've taken a few of my 1-1 clients through recently and the beauty is that it gives them an actual framework to follow, so no more distractions, no more thinking of what to do or how it's going to get's all about just following the steps.
You probably already know what this would be. It's the thing that always gets a place on your to-do list but never gets crossed off. It's the thing you talk about, and plan for but never make the time for. This is the thing. The key here is to think about WHY you want to make it happen. How will this benefit you, or the people around you? What difference would it make to your life / business? Have a think and write this down as this is what will help you to take action.
2. Decide how it would FEEL when you get it done
Once you know what you want to focus on, and's time to really cement in the goal. Let's fast forward to July...How will it feel to be able to finally cross it off your list? How will you be celebrating? What will it enable you to do next?
3. Brainstorm WHY you haven't done it yet, and what gets in the way
This here is the biggie...and it's time to be really honest with yourself. This isn't WHAT you get done's WHY you haven't done it, really!! Watch out for those excuses popping up here. For example...not enough time might feel like a reason, but if I gave you a million pounds to get this thing done would you do it? If the answer is yes then it's just an excuse as you suddenly found the time. Like I said, it's time to be really honest here and see what comes up.
I'd love to hear your thoughts so feel free to leave a comment or share with someone you know who needs this right now.
If you're ready to take that next step I'd love to invite you to join me on the very first live round of the 90 Day Crush it Journey where I'll share my proven 90 day plan, framework and guide and you'll also get 3 group calls (one a month) to get the accountability, motivation and mindset tweaks you need to stay on track. This part is GOLD as it'll really make the difference between getting it done and falling into your old ways of working.
We kick start on Monday 11th.
For more information send me a direct message.
It's time to make it happen