How Catalysts for the Future Create Unreasonable Solutions
Neil Edwards
Coaching revolutionary visionaries, mindful achievers, their teams and organizations to create the futures they want at the intersection of leadership, relationships, wellbeing, and change.
We live in an age in which we have no more time for reasonable decisions, reasonable action, reasonable solutions. Reasonable is what got us here.?
What we need are leaders who cultivate an intimate awareness of themselves in their environment. What we need are leaders who imagine and create unreasonable solutions.?
Responding not reacting.
Revolutionary visionaries are what we need.
They are the leaders who innately know the solutions we need to our global, environmental and social challenges are unreasonable. The time for decisions made based on established practices, convention, old worn out linear thinking, and what’s worked in the past, has passed.
We are in the midst of object lessons, one after another around the globe, signaling that we need leaders who are willing to cross edges, to embrace non-linear thinking, to look into our collective darkness, to clean out harmful or destructive patterns, and to see a way forward.
These leaders are responding, not reacting, to what is emerging.
They aren’t afraid of going against the status quo, they see and connect what others do not, they are confident in an emerging future, in the necessity of unreasonable ideas and actions, about ongoing positive evolution — they are playing an infinite game.?
While most companies operate with a mindset to win now, today, this quarter, this year, these revolutionary visionaries are leading with a mindset to stay in the game, to get better, to do better and be part of a collective stewardship and cultivates, rather than extracts and consumes resources over vast stretches of time.?
These individuals and organizations are changing the how of business with a mindset that extends beyond the next immediate goal. A mindset that compels them to find better solutions for the sake of something bigger.
They understand they are not in a race just to get out in front, or to run forever.
They are ready to create the impossible.
They are open to the unbelievable.
For them, it's more than a race. It's ideating over the edge into the infinite possibilities of unreasonable vision. Again and again.
What we need now are leaders and organizations who live and breathe the belief that there is no winning. There is only getting better, doing better, being better, ad infinitum. Because, as Simon Sinek addresses in his book, The Infinite Game, (which expands upon Dr. James Carse’s Finite and Infinite Games) we live in an infinite universe, we need to think on an infinite level – not what is good for us now, but what is good for us three, four, 1000 generations from now.?
These revolutionary visionaries are the founders, boards, public figures, and masterminds, they are the movement and difference makers who are catalysts for the future.?
They are action-oriented, highly strategic and both burdened and compelled by their commitment to radically shift business and society, replacing what does not work with what does in service of humanity.
Deep wisdom and connectedness.
Growth, winning, hitting the next quarter’s profit projection. – We can’t dismiss that we live in a capitalist society and businesses have a fiduciary responsibility to shareholders.?
But this is not the essence of the revolutionary visionary.?
They know revolutionary vision and unreasonable thinking is good business. In fact, they know it's better business.??
Revolutionary visionaries have the data, they have refined thinking, but they use more of their capacity than that.?
They access additional channels.
They maintain a connectedness other leaders lack. They sense into the deep wisdom of the human experience and they invite in information from the vast field of human experiences? and world markets to make their decisions and create solutions from the collective consciousness.
These leaders respond to what is emerging.?
And what is emerging: patterns, information, vision, and things they are sensing. They are available to everyone, but these leaders engage with it differently, lean into it differently–in ways most might assess to be unreasonable.
They cultivate a deep focus on the emergent, creating unreasonable solutions, working with enough, and from there, making unreasonable choices, doing unreasonable things–things that haven’t been done before, things others tell them can’t or won’t or shouldn’t be done.
Unreasonable thinkers unlock themselves.?
They find ways to disrupt themselves, and to disrupt the lure of the reasonable field, the systems that would draw them into status quo thinking and being.
They take time to reflect, to go into nature, to take time away.?
And above all, they remain connected to humans.?
They do not get intoxicated by the dollar and the quarter’s short-term goals. They know the market will take care of itself if they are asking the right questions, challenging the status quo.?
It is at that entry point in decision making, in thinking, that they go from reasonable to unreasonable.?
They’re continuous inquiry is, “What is the world asking for?” Not what are humans asking, but what is humanity asking for versus what is the market asking for??
What's reasonable is not acceptable to a revolutionary visionary. Reasonable is what got us here, facing environmental extinctions, global social unrest, disappearing resources, individualistic strong-man mentality over collectivism.?
Unreasonable solutions and the revolutionary visionaries who create them are the answer to our survival. They are the answer to the infinite game.
Neil Edwards is the owner of Neil Edwards Inc & Edge Crossing , a coaching and consulting company that believes building trust and creating the future requires profound intimacy. He is an expert team and relationship coach, advisor, and leadership development facilitator, his mission is to eliminate unnecessary suffering in the world. He journeys with his clients through examinations of identity, beliefs, and behaviors, creating significant systemic shifts, to achieve alignment and fulfillment.
He has 30+ years of experience in health care, public sector, consumer goods, energy, law, technology and higher education. A Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and Reflective Practitioner, his work is grounded in his multicultural experiences and thousands of hours of client engagement.?
Originally from The Commonwealth of the Bahamas, Neil has lived in the US since 1997. He holds an MPH and is substantially credentialed in coaching, DEI, change management, emotional intelligence, communication, intentional culture, and people development.
Versatile Business Leader & ICF-Certified Coach | 13+ Years in Leadership Development & Talent Strategy | Empowers Teams & Enhances Cultures | Advocates Humanistic Leadership & Operational Excellence
1 年Yes, Yes, YES. I hear you, I’m with you. Your seeing and articulating of this dire need in the world and the medicine that unreasonable leaders can bring is so clear. I also hear how our full, embodied selves are so needed for our deep sensing, distinguishing intuition from ego, awareness of original essence and acting from these “other” sources of intelligence (from our wholeness and from our animal bodies even! — not our minds/programming/patterns). You were made for what you are doing and you do it SO artfully, masterfully and with heart.
Cold-swimming writer and content strategist with a secret love for 90s house music.
1 年Your call to action for unreasonable thinking and solutions has lodged itself in my mind and soul. And your question of when did I know it was time to do something unreasonable and did not - it's got me thinking not about the big things in my life where I could have done something unreasonable, but in the little ways that I go about my days and let reasonable stand in for being more human, more connected and seeing others more fully.
Leadership & People Development Partner | Executive & Leadership Coach | "Good Business" & Social Impact Advocate | Founder @ Wildly Rising
1 年I love this, Neil Edwards! Like so many times before, you elegantly put into words a concept I have been feeling, but couldn't name. Thank you! "They know revolutionary vision and unreasonable thinking is good business. In fact, they know it's better business."?? Carla Dearing is my favorite Revolutionary Visionary and shout out to Ben Smock, MBA and Canopy Kentucky for pushing better business and visionary thinking!
Endlessly curious about how humans make meaning ?? Obsessed with tea, journals, and reading voraciously ?? Committed word nerd turned soulful brand strategist
1 年I love the framing of "unreasonable" solutions. Somehow this opens up a category of creative thinking for me. If I don't have to ground in reason, I feel more possibility opening up in me. Thank you, Neil Edwards !
So many challenging thoughts here! "Reasonable is what got us here, facing environmental extinctions, global social unrest, disappearing resources, individualistic strong-man mentality over collectivism." I love your call to UNREASONABLE, to nonlinear, to challenge conventions of reason vs. holding HUMANITY over humans. I will re-read this many times over. Thank you.