How Is Cars of Hope Different from Other Car Donation Organizations?
Romas Povilonis
Founder and Executive Director of Cars of Hope. Cars of Hope provides cars for families who have fallen on hard times.
Almost every vehicle donation organization that we hear about on radio advertisements these days uses the vehicle donations they receive to fund projects. Scarcely any vehicle donation organization uses the donations to donate cars to struggling families. Cars of Hope is the exception to this!
Our Cars of Hope model is very simple. We fix repairable vehicles donated to us at shops that work at no profit. Donors of vehicles that we then pass on to deserving families are eligible for a “Market Value” tax deduction. When we can’t cost-efficiently repair a vehicle, we sell that vehicle at auction, and we use the funds to cover repair costs on salvageable vehicles. Donors of vehicles that are sold at auction are typically eligible for a tax deduction equal to the wholesale selling price of the vehicle at auction. Although less than “Market Value,” this auction selling price is often much higher than a trade-in amount that a dealer would offer.
Cars of Hope is budget-minded: it is staffed completely by volunteers. Since there are no paid staff and no office space costs, we keep the cost of overhead extremely low.
In light of Cars of Hope’s exceptional model and excellent fiscal stewardship, you should consider making Cars of Hope your choice when it’s time to donate your vehicle.
Visit us at or call us at 224-216-CARS to donate a vehicle or get more information. Cash donations are gratefully accepted as well. Cars of Hope is a 501(c)3 organization.