How to Captivate Using Today's Learning Trends
Michelle L S.
Keynote Speaker, Trainer & Coach on Resilience & Heart Centered Leadership | Author of 3 Books on Neuropsychology & Human Performance | CEO & Founder IPV Consulting, Transforming Mindsets & Performance of Leaders & Teams
In today's society, so much has evolved in how we learn. As new generations of workers come into the workforce they are wired differently than former generations in how they absorb and process new information.
Whether you are a leader of an organization, a teacher, a public speaker or an influencer of any industry, you may find a few take-aways in this article that could inspire you to a new approach in how you can capitalize on today's learning trends.
Below is a chart depicting a brief list of notable differences I have observed from past vs present learning trends. Obviously, not all of these apply to everyone but the quick reference serves to paint a picture of how we might cater to an ever growing populous who have had entirely different experience through the means of digital learning.
“In 2004, we measured the average attention on a screen to be 2? minutes. Some years later, we found attention spans to be about 75 seconds. Now we find people can only pay attention to one screen for an average of 47 seconds.” - Dr. Gloria Mark, Professor, University of California, Irving
Regardless of your industry, it would be wise to conduct a bit of your own research on this and learn how you can best capture the attention of those you wish to influence.
From my own experience as a professional speaker and corporate trainer for over a decade at IPV Consulting, I have discovered the following ways to integrate this knowledge into my role. Perhaps you might find a few "nuggets" of your own that you could utilize or modify in your sphere of influence.
I have many more ideas to share, but I hope you I have given you some things to "get your wheels turning." The more you can do to engage, excite, equip, involve and interact with your "learners" the more they will learn. In summary, have fun with your group, keep it engaging and make it memorable for them!
What do you do "Captivate Utilizing Today's Learning Trends?" I'd love to hear from you!
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Michelle L Steffes, Speaker, Corporate Trainer, Executive Coach
CEO/Founder, IPV Consulting
Contact: [email protected]