How to Captivate Using Today's Learning Trends

How to Captivate Using Today's Learning Trends

In today's society, so much has evolved in how we learn. As new generations of workers come into the workforce they are wired differently than former generations in how they absorb and process new information.

Whether you are a leader of an organization, a teacher, a public speaker or an influencer of any industry, you may find a few take-aways in this article that could inspire you to a new approach in how you can capitalize on today's learning trends.

Below is a chart depicting a brief list of notable differences I have observed from past vs present learning trends. Obviously, not all of these apply to everyone but the quick reference serves to paint a picture of how we might cater to an ever growing populous who have had entirely different experience through the means of digital learning.

“In 2004, we measured the average attention on a screen to be 2? minutes. Some years later, we found attention spans to be about 75 seconds. Now we find people can only pay attention to one screen for an average of 47 seconds.” - Dr. Gloria Mark, Professor, University of California, Irving

Regardless of your industry, it would be wise to conduct a bit of your own research on this and learn how you can best capture the attention of those you wish to influence.

From my own experience as a professional speaker and corporate trainer for over a decade at IPV Consulting, I have discovered the following ways to integrate this knowledge into my role. Perhaps you might find a few "nuggets" of your own that you could utilize or modify in your sphere of influence.

  • Ensure content is relevant and show interest by sending or providing a quick 3 question survey in advance asking for specific data needed to tailor the material you will share. Or you can simply poll the participants with one question before you start sharing content. This creates more intrigue and interest when they know you are concerned about their thoughts.
  • Share content in brief segments (5-15 minutes each) allowing interjection and/or interaction between each segment. This could be in the form of Q&A, polls or comments. (note: this can be accomplished in person or virtually through chat, etc.)
  • Insert multiple opportunities for learners to apply what they have learned through interactive ways. Include activities that create challenge, excitement and even friendly competition with rewards whenever possible. (note: I try to avoid meaningless activities that do not align directly with application of content to ensure retention occurs and participants don't feel their time is used on silly, unrelated activities).
  • Whenever possible, use props or visual aids that create interest, using vivid colors, movement and exciting images to entice interest throughout the sharing of content, ultimately mimicking the effect of digital learning to some degree.
  • Invite collaboration by asking specific questions periodically that can be answered by participants who have experienced success in the content you are sharing, thus creating merit for your material.
  • Also, ask specific questions or invite opportunities that may inject humor into your content whether the questions are parenthetical and do no require an answer or by asking audience members to share something funny. Either way, generating humor creates more interest.
  • Consider tossing something out to participants as a reward when a question is answered correctly or just for their participation, i.e. chocolate coins, small treats or other items that generate excitement and incite involvement.
  • As a fun review at the end, break them into groups of 3-8 (depending on numbers in the room) and challenge them at the end to collaborate and write out 10 things they learned as quickly as possible, then appoint one person to run to the front of the room and stand in line to share what they wrote awarding the first person in line a special prize that can be shared with their group. Then allow the others (up to 5 total) to read their findings as well and encourage applause for each.

I have many more ideas to share, but I hope you I have given you some things to "get your wheels turning." The more you can do to engage, excite, equip, involve and interact with your "learners" the more they will learn. In summary, have fun with your group, keep it engaging and make it memorable for them!

What do you do "Captivate Utilizing Today's Learning Trends?" I'd love to hear from you!

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Michelle L Steffes, Speaker, Corporate Trainer, Executive Coach

CEO/Founder, IPV Consulting

Contact: [email protected]


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