How can your contents meet the best impressions with the 3W’s concept
Image credit samsung business insights

How can your contents meet the best impressions with the 3W’s concept

Reading the headline itself you might have started wondering what can this be? Let me break it into you, the 3 W’s stands for What, Where, When.

Still I believe you might be wondering about the outcome. In digital marketing or any media content publishing, it was indeed needed to keep in mind the content relevance toward the audience. Been observing the digital marketing industry for nearly 10 years, my personal breakdown on my best selling strategies were always sticking around these 3 W’s.

So how does it help in content marketing?

Before I explain an answer to this question, what I would like to highlight is what is known as content? I'm not going to explain the definition around that word, which you can itself find many reasonings for that word, but more likely what I want to make you understand simply about content, are the points below

  • It can be a type of artwork that makes a reader to know any information
  • It has the ability to transform a reader’s attention to a decision
  • It have many forms of outputs
  • It may have many forms of moods to gestures according to its environment
  • It represents another’s thought been communicated
  • There is no specific rule apart from the guidelines which digital platforms maintain.

So here are some simple ideas to understand what is a content, if you still prefer to know further about forms of content and tips to benefit and make killer contents for your campaigns, watch the video on this link

Coming back to the main question;

So how does the 3 w’s present your content in the best way.?

First we are going to talk about : What

It's very important to know what your content is going to be, whether is it a brand promotion, a contest, an offer, an event, an animation of a service, selling of a property, etc. As explained in the earlier points it can have many forms of moods and gestures as the output.

But what i would like to highlight over here, is that the fact "WHAT IS THE CONTENT ABOUT", when it comes to the main spotlight, we have to think about the relevance of the content, so for an example if its a content about a product promotion at a supermarket, we clearly have to break it down on a MINDMAP (which i'll be educating my subscribers on a video in coming days) to whom this content will reach and what would be the benefitting factors for the readers or people who engage with this content.?

Having that sorted, it's much easier to build a content around that, which takes us to our level 2: Where

Just like a content is created, to promote or publish it for the viewers, it is a must to know where our content will be published, but as a strategist you will have to sketch it down on a mindmap first, so it will be easier to know where the content will be published (offline, online) and according to that environment or platform user base or audience familiarity / expectations we can produce the most relevant content.

But wait is that it?

"Just figure out a platform to publish and create the content?"

If you’re are not a content strategist or a content creator, you might have really spoken out from your mind the same; but the above mentioned roles would be like

“Can you be any more stupid”, - in chandlers voice from Friends TV series

True it's not a simple task, there are times your content specialist would have killed themselves in their minds’ simply for taking this matter too lightly. A content's essence relies on the platform and it is very crucial for copywriters to decide the best way to make the content related to that specific platform audience.

ScoopOfExperience time – every time your team leader / client servicing person comes and orders you saying “its not a big deal just give a content that matches and that is what the client wants” is never the way the output really becomes.?

The strategists and the copywriters knows and keeps observing how a platform algorithm responds to different contents and how its audience should be segmented into different categories, which gives the best impact back on performance metrics, so that performance marketeers make sure to scoop every data and statistics to validate the best outcome of a content and keep the content delivery team updated about the best practices to apply in real-time.

Having all these measured and matched, the copywriters begin's with their content development and then hand it over to the design team and go through quality checks before its sent out for the final publishing stage.

"Why all these hastle or overthinking, one might ask!,"

But the fact is, in different platforms, what the audience expects is very different from one another. Many companies even in the present tend to simply share the same content they publish for facebook to be published in instagram, linkedin and twitter, etc. just to stop spending into different content outputs but not realizing the outcome of the content of one platform will not serve the same in another platform.?

Around 42% of brands are still suffering to generate organic engagement in digital platforms while small businesses are utilizing each platform in the best possible way. So knowing WHERE your content is been published is a must and having level 2 cleared we are moving to level 3 which is When

Just like What and Where, When to post your content is a must too, but this segment is not harder to figure out because it is right near you.

Well tell me about it

Observing the data metrics or known terms of page / account insights can help you or your brand to know in each platform, on what times are best to post contents, on what days should it be, who’s your most active audience type, what type of content have they shown their interest likewise. So considering these metrics or insights properly been monitored or compared every month will make your content stand out better than your competitors.

FinalVerdict – as per my point of view and observing done by myself and my team, we have always done our digital / social audits frequently. At the end of the day what matters the most, is to take your content to an organic crowd rather than pumping your money into advertising always.?

Advertising helps you in the beginning but the more you are an expert or talented enough to make your content to be engaged with a loyal base of followers, can bring more positive results with the least spending allocated. So plan out your contents very well, you will surely be more successful.

Furthermore a separate topic under, how to create best strategies, a walk through video will be published on the youtube channel of Digital Hustle Expresz.

Hope this 3W’s concept helps you in planning out your contents as strategists, copywriters or creative directors. Try working your plans around the 3W’s and don’t forget to drop your comments below on how things changed in your planning motives.

Don’t forget to share some of your campaign execution ideas if you had planned with the help of 3W’s jotting it down on a comment, happy to hear from you.


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