How can your CMO help you in Recruitment & Retention?
Ratnesh Jain
Enabling UnStoppable Growth with Global Boutique Bespoke Recruitment Solutions And Business Advisory - Entrepreneur | Mentor | Author | #BeUnStoppableWithUs
Your Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) is currently responsible for marketing to prospective customers and your customer experience department on existing customers.
But, who is taking care of marketing and experience of your first customer - your employees?
Internal Marketing is not the function of your Human resources department - like external marketing you must have a focused internal marketing department led by Marketing specialists and not HR specialists.
Internal marketing encompasses building and maintaining positive relationships with employees, partners, suppliers, and channel partners through effective communication, engagement, and brand promotion.
It's important for the CMO to ensure that all stakeholders understand the company's vision, mission, values, and branding and to foster a positive company culture. This helps to create a unified and motivated team, which can ultimately contribute to the success of the organization.
The biggest advantage of CMO focusing on Internal marketing is that you will attract apt Talent better and faster, that will become your competitive advantage.
The benefits of internal marketing to employees in recruiting and attracting better talent include:
Unfortunately, internal marketing is currently not handled by marketing specialists (If at all).
Despite the importance of internal marketing, it is often not given the attention and resources it deserves, leading to poor implementation and ineffective results. This can be due to a lack of understanding about the importance of internal marketing, a lack of budget or resources, or a lack of marketing skills among HR professionals or other internal communications staff.
However, it's important for organizations to recognize the critical role that internal marketing plays in creating a motivated, engaged, and productive workforce. By giving the responsibility of internal marketing to the marketing and customer experience departments.
Internal and External marketing are related.
Employees need to hear the same messages that you send out to the external world. However, internal and external communications and realities are often mismatched. This can be very confusing, and it damages the employees perceptions of the company’s integrity and intention.
It is also a great dip test - what will not resonate with the employees will not resonate with the customer also.
Overall, internal marketing to employees can help to create a positive and engaged workplace culture, making the organization more attractive to top talent and improving employee satisfaction. This can lead to improved recruitment, retention, and overall performance.
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