How can you use tech to make your business less reliant on humans?

How can you use tech to make your business less reliant on humans?

At the centre of every business is the desire to maximise productivity and ensure that your money is invested in the best employees possible - individuals who will go above and beyond to drive your business forward.

Yet interestingly, generalists are not the best way to advance your business. True, they are at the core of ensuring that your company continues to function and thrive. However, research has shown that 9 times out of 10 you are better off investing in specialists rather than generalists.

So whilst there is no denying that they are vital to your business; you need to move beyond this and take steps to reduce the amount of general tasks your employees need to do. Do that and you can allow their specialisms to flourish, and in turn give your business the chance to prosper.

Top tips for using tech to minimise human reliance

One of the easiest ways to ‘free up’ your employers - so they can focus on more specialised tasks - is to take advantage of the latest technological advancements.

Take for instance each of the following pieces of tech – all have been proven to enhance consumer experiences with minimal effort:

  • Automation – the idea here, is to take away any duties that can easily be done by a machine and use them, so your employees have got more time to do something else.

A prime example of this is data entry.

Thanks to developments in machine learning and AI, they are now able to complete increasingly complex tasks, thus reducing the amount of time your staff spends on unnecessary activities. Instead, you are free to focus on increasing employee capacity; bolstering their enthusiasm (for the job) and boosting their workplace contributions i.e. adding to company profits.

  • Client portals/digital tools (to handle client requests) – you’d be shocked by how much time is lost through conversations. The constant to and fro of speaking to clients, finding out what they need and then retrieving the information they want; all equate to unnecessary losses in time.

So what can you do? Well, it is possible to have the best of both worlds - the tools to free up your employees AND give your clients a better customer experience. You see, instead of wasting time on these conversations; we recommend using this time to create tools that will enable your clients to access any basic information they need, as and when they need it.

From supplying them with a client portal to producing digital tools, this will save time for everyone – you internally, and them because they won’t have to deal with the hassle of ringing you up or emailing you their request.

Likewise, these tools will further enhance their customer experience, as they’ll be able to make use of your services outside of your standard business hours. This means, instead of having to wait until you’re open again, they can use their portal to access the information they need without delay.

Obviously, they should only be able to retrieve basic information through these tools. Anything requiring more depth or advice should still go through your team. However, by eliminating small or mundane tasks, your employees will be able to offer even better advice when they are called upon.

  • Data storage – given the recent developments in GDPR, it is essential - as a business - that you can safely store data for clients and your employees.

With their assistance, digital tools can provide everyone in your business with a secure and central location where they can confidently store and update data, without having to worry about inconsistencies or the release of private information.

Instead, they can trust that there is a rigid structure in place, which – should they need to access information – will enable them to do so without encountering any issues e.g. different versions of the same data; differing organisation structures; problems with local storage, etc.

And this is vital, as data storage can range from your company’s policy information to internal staff information to client data – every piece of information is important and requires your full protection.

In either case, by then integrating them with automaton tools; you can reduce human error and data entry times, as they will be able to pull up relevant data (from other sources) as and when you need it.

  • Compliance and auditing – every business is privy to these, so it makes sense to create tools which will make it easier for you to monitor, track and audit all elements of your business. In fact, by creating centralised digital tools, they can supply you with a single point of truth, as well as single sources of communication, making it easier when you must complete an audit.

With their support, you’ll be able to stay on top of your compliance and regulatory requirements and won’t have to worry about ‘getting behind’ as they will track everything as they occur.

These are just four very easy ways that can make your business more efficient by harnessing tech to perform mundane tasks (so your employees are free to perform specialist activities). In truth, there are many other strategies you can employ which at Stunn we can help you to research, plan and instigate.

For more information on how to create bespoke digital tools, contact our team today.


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