How can you turn yourself around when students fail your test?
Dear Teacher
If it never happens to you in your teaching career, I would be amazed. So, when it happens there is a learning moment for you and your student(s).
Hint: It’s got nothing to do with repeating your lessons.
You are handing back students' test papers, marked and graded. Several students begin to wail that they have ‘failed again’ and ‘will never learn this stuff’.
Does that knock you off balance a bit? How do you recover? What goes on inside you whilst you are recovering?
You want to hold back your initial cry of dismay at the wasted lesson. Were they not paying attention? For how long can you hold your peace and not vent your frustration? A minute? Five minutes? And what goes on inside your heads whilst they are preparing to respond?
Here (in this free-to share, print and use as you wish article) How a teacher can use coaching strategies to support their students' learning) I share something to keep in mind, and plenty of things you can say to turn this frustrating moment into deep learning about the student; in a way that engages their desire to learn.
With love and respect
Martin Richards
Teacher, Coach and Author