How can you sum up a life in mere words? By Heather the first grandkid
We all have our own experiences knowing my grandfather, Reverend Paul Pulliam. He was a larger than life, humble man whose faith affected every area of his life. He prayed for his family every night with my grandmother.
My grandfather had a dashing handsomeness that never aged. He was a man who liked to get places as fast as possible. I never did find him a ‘Paul's wild ride’ bumper sticker. My grandfather loved having ice cream or cereal for a late night snack when he would get home from FPC. He was a voracious reader and loved reading aloud to my grandmother. He loved to share political cartoons.
One of his favorite past times was getting to boogie board at the beach. I have fond memories of going to the beach and having chili for dinner with French bread.
My grandfather was a people person through and through. He loved meeting new people and could start up a lively conversation with anyone. He is the one who bestowed in me my love of classical music. We'd listen to KPBS on our way to the church during the week, him to the church, while I veered off to go to City Tree.
When some of you think of him, Frist Pres comes to mind. This was his church home for over 20 years, and he pastored it with love, graciousness and a servant's heart. My grandfather cared for and loved my grandmother for over 70 years. It was his joy and pleasure to take care of her.
I think the word that sums up Paul Pulliam is servant. Without a doubt I know he was greeted in Heaven, "Well done good and faithful servant.