How can you prevent being hacked from the deep web??
Nowadays ? anyone can be a hacker very easily with the help of Tor browser and SET (???a social engineering toolkit in Kali Linux OS). And it is impossible to locate the origin of the attack.?
Generally, a hacker is utilizing the weak points of the victim such as the tendency to click the links or open unknown attachments.
Cloning a server or Password attacks isn't the easy way to the hacker. Normally it will take many hours to a back door entry, so do log out and power off properly when you leave the system.
Avoid charge phone on computer's USB ports, especially rooted phone. ?
Should be very careful on public Wi-Fi, it may be a fake transmitting (Wi-Fi phishing)
Do not be panic highly over your password security; no any hacker is going to spend his several months on hacking your account through password attack. It will take trillion years to break a 128-bit password, even if hackers uses high-end PC. At least your password should contain one or two digits and an upper case letter preferred in the middle of password)
Use two-Part Authentication if available.
Back up your data frequently. Despite even the strictest security, it is still possible that your data will become compromised. This may be the result of hacking, or simply computer failure. Backing up your data ensures you do not lose anything.
Do not trust in your antivirus too much, they are just barking dogs. Sometimes they will cry out even ?on the entry of an admin.
More than four years, I am not using any antivirus and getting all access without being hacked.
Don't Worry Be Happy.