How can you overcome challenges ?

How can you overcome challenges ?

This article is about two important lessons that we can take out from election of 2024.

The learning from this article will throw light on why – might is not always right and why – you must not underestimate anyone.

I am a market entry strategist who from the last 8 years have launched, scaled up and streamlined sales operation for various companies.

Election in India is the biggest festival that is celebrated every 5 years. Prelude to the voting dates, there are mass rallies and every political party is wooing the voters to vote for them. Over the past few years, the way elections are conducted has grabbed my attention. The most concerning of them being, do whatever you want, but win. ?

The election conducted in the year 2024 had two major face-offs. On one side there was a power and on the other side was powerless.

Creating a brand is also similar. When a new brand is launched, on one side there is a brand that has all the budgets with them and on the other sides everything is restrained.

When the elections started, the opponent was not seen anywhere. It was only when #BHARATJODOYATRA started that people started knowing that there could be someone who could have an “iota of say”. It was followed by #BHARATJODONYAYYATRA to bring the nation together. But these campaigns had its own restrictions as mainstream media did not showcase this yatra. Instead, the clipping on these media channels showed the last people in the yatra, creating a buzz that it was a #failure.

It is said that even the best motive may struggle, if the #strategy is not adaptive. In this case the route of communication, was focused on social media. It was the only alternative left to reach the people.

Here came the very powerful medium of #YouTube. It was unlike the mainstream media, that was showering achievements of the party in power and informing the masses of the greatness of the party in power. On YouTube streaming platform, it is quite the opposite, you can choose what to see and what not to see. Everything is in your hand. When people moved out from the mainstream to YouTube, they were dumbstruck with the great response that the yatra had generated. ?

Many mediums had portrayed the opposition leader as someone who cannot lead a party. The image of the political leader who was leading the yatra, was dwindled to such a level that he just could not change it. Sometimes when you are bombarded by too much #promotion from every side, it forces the human mind to form an opinion. To change the opinion, you must fight a war that has a modest beginning. Watching a few interviews on the tube showed a different person. That was the first incident when people started knowing that something is not right. ?

The tube has perhaps become the most powerful medium today. Until the time I did not shift from the mainstream media to the tube, I could not see the effort that has been made by this political person to upgrade himself. The right to progress does not come in reservation, everyone can change themselves. The tube showed a different picture, quite the opposite of what was shown elsewhere highlighting how immature he was and it always mocked at him. Many like me, saw that if we make the effort we can change.

The truth is that every person, including you and me, can change if there is willingness to do it.

The might with the power bought down the opponent by issues notices and putting the possible contenders behind the bars. The might made a masterstroke, something that usually does not happen. It is said that if cut off the supply of oxygen people struggle to breathe. The accounts were frozen and without money is just impossible to fight an election. This was the level up to which the fight to 2024 went up to.

The might had everything under their control – media and money. It was impossible to stand against such power. There was little avenue left for someone to do something. Once the election was over, a strong wave of exit polls put everyone in disbelief.

The day of counting came. The results were announced and as the WhatsApp university wrote - Indian people have given a verdict that will be remembered for a very long time in Indian politics. They have given the ruling party and partners a victory that feels like a defeat. They have given the alliance a defeat, that feels like a Victory.

It is said that you must never underestimate anyone, not even that person in your office who at times looks like no one to you. Not that subordinate that you think is a load on you or your superior who you think is good for nothing. Never do it because humans are one such breed that once decides, that it can overcome its shortcomings, can do anything.



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