How can you minimise lifetime Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) costs?

When removing pipework insulation systems for CUI inspection, the question is always asked “Do we need to put the insulation back on?” It is good question, because the best way to prevent CUI is to not have the insulation in the first place! However, there is a reason that the insulation is there in the first place – noise attenuation; personal protection; heat preservation. The questions to ask yourselves are therefore: “How much do I need to replace?” and “How often do I need to keep stripping insulation for inspection?”

With regards to noise attenuation, the degree of mitigation may be reduced with reduced production/flow rates. As the flow rate and pressures in the pipeline are reduced, the flow noise generated by this process is reduced which in turn may lead to a reduction in the requirement for ‘like-for-like’ insulation class replacement. An ISO15665 Class C acoustic insulation system may only need to be a class B for all or some of the pipeline. This could result in a significant reduction in material and installation time leading to a significant cost reduction.

It is possible to adopt an insulation pre-removal assessment to determine these cost savings even before the inspection and removal has begun. Armacell Engineered Systems (AES) acoustic services has the capability to assist or perform these assessments as required.

For thermal or personal protection, the ‘like-for-like’ replacement is more straightforward. However, imagine if you could replace your traditional insulation systems with a system that can be applied in what is essentially a ‘fit-and-forget’ scenario – a one off replacement cost with no need for future stripping of insulation? AES are able to offer these systems. Over the lifetime of the plant the degree of cost reduction that can be achieved by not having to continually replace pipework coatings and insulation can be huge.

The nature of AES materials (closed cell Flexible Elastomeric Foams – FEF) means that water/moisture permeability is eliminated or significantly reduced, and the low degree of leachable chlorides present in ArmaFlex?, AES’ FEF industrial materials combine to the extent that CUI should not be an issue. AES have undertaken significant independent studies to highlight the superior protection and mitigation against CUI that AES Industrial Systems can provide for pipework in event the harshest environments.

For more information on Armacell Engineered Systems, our materials, acoustic services and our CUI studies, please contact [email protected]


CUI; Pipework; Noise; Thermal; Insulation


