How Can You Make a Difference to the World & Why Should You Do It?
Gaganjot Parmar
Fostering Wellness @Wellness Active| Wellness Content Creator| Inclusivity Advocate| Writer at Heart | Storyteller | Online Educator | Content Creator | Yoga and Yog Nidra Coaching
A human being is born. However, looking deeper, it's the birth of a human and manifestation of a Being. If you have manifested, you will make a difference.
But, you can choose the way to do it and up to what extent.
Wise sages and timeless scriptures remind us that we are pointed out that you’re the "light of god."
The formidable wisdom of the authentic scriptures says you are Asti-Bhaati-Priya.
You are "That", which is:
Understanding Endearing (Priya): Don't we hold ourselves the dearest; meaning that we see ourselves important and worthy of happiness and success in every situation and not misery? Yes, surely.
Yet, often our mind falls into pitfall of ignorance and because we tend to forget our authentic self or real "swaroop" (embodiment or form).
The mind is like a mirror that collects a lot of dust in time. If not cleaned properly and regularly, it cannot reflect our true image.
Unleashing Your Real Power
Cleaning the mind’s mirror needs a regular effort.
There are many advantages to do this, such as:
Think over it.? Is it better to remain a beggar of love or a giver? When you uncover your being as a generator of love, you can no longer remain a beggar of love, but can experience its myriad colors and the grace it brings in various situations.
When you have such beautiful tools (clear mind, sharp intellect and a loveful heart) with you, certainly, you will make a difference!
In this state of being, even your ‘mere presence’ is beneficial to the surroundings, because of the immensely positive vibes of well being your existence generates.
When love and compassion overflow in time, you want to make a more positive difference in the world.
How To Start?
You can begin with simple ways:
A Few Don'ts
A Few Do’s
Going A Little Further
If you are the daring kind, then you can do more acts of service. However, when not resourcefully used, power gets misused.
A strong person can spontaneously add value if he or she uses his strength to create harmony. Entering into unnecessary brawls is missing the point.
Few Situations and Practical Ways Where Power Can be Helpful
Why Should You Do All This- Is A Responsible Act Worth It?
Evidence suggests that a good deed can lower stress and elevate mood, self-esteem and happiness.
If we analyse according to the Law of Karma, the greater good you give, it will pay back in an equally strong way.
Don't we see that great leaders also have very strong minds and hearts.?
Reflect. Our mind, though invisible, is made from subtle aspects of the elements of Nature and follows the natural laws just like our physical body.
Just as our body needs nutritious, organic and healthy food, and a little bit of exercise, our mind needs the food of sensible acts that create a ripple of beautiful thoughts and feelings and assist in the reflection of our true being.
It is worthwhile to explore your being in depth everyday at least for ten minutes (maybe through an endearing hobby).
The Grandeur of A Giver
A giving heart will find its way to express in zillion ways to find its own happiness.
When you have clarity, a good deed will result in happiness in a pure heart (resolved, with no conflicts)- this combination helps in experiencing the emotion of happiness. As long as you can have this combination, being happy is child’s play.
Shun The Dependence on ‘Happiness’- Go for Bliss
Remember, you are much bigger than staying dependent on being happy. The fact is you need all kinds of days to grow. You need sad days, days of hard effort, sacrifice and disciplined practice to cherish and gather strength to bear happiness in your being.?
Aim for "Blissful-ness" (Ananda) rather than "Happy-ness"
Because it helps you use all the emotions of nine kinds (love, fear, courage, calmness, anger, humor, sadness, wonder, and disgust) to realize your true potential.
Studying Your-"Self": How to Begin Reflecting on the Self?
Being aware of one’s own mind is important to make a difference to oneself and the world. You can start by doing a SWOT analysis, work out a plan to convert your weaknesses to strengths one by one.?
In the end, we need to know that there are countless ways to help ourselves and others. A good act does not gobble up much time or cost any money.?
The Most Important Ingredient of the Secret Sauce of Happiness: When you do something nice and know that you did it through the power nature has given you, the egoless effort is going to open all doors of wellness. The secret ingredient to make the most of your kind act is "egolessness" (think about the source of energy or forces giving you the ability to act good).
And remember, a small change can make a big difference in this Universe's big play going on ceaselessly. Enjoy!