How can you flip your disempowering negative self-talk and turn it to your advantage.

How can you flip your disempowering negative self-talk and turn it to your advantage.

It was spring 1973 and I’d been playing the trombone for just over two years and music was my passion.

My dream was to be a music teacher!

Sadly, academic school life wasn’t my forte. I could play music, I could write it, I could harmonise it and I could arrange it … I just couldn’t pass academic exams.

The reality sank in, I wasn’t good enough to be a teacher! Well, that’s what I convinced myself off even though I was an accomplished musician.

What hurt me most, was everyone around me bought into my version of reality, that I wasn’t good enough: my parents, friends and even my teachers. I also convinced me that kids like me didn’t go to university, we got out and got jobs.

My dream of being a teacher lay in tatters; I was devasted, my dream was over and I was devastated. How many others have felt like that when your dreams are left in tatters.

My devastation stayed with me throughout my entire life, and I’ve worked hard to overcome it and banish the ‘what ifs’, ‘the wooda, coulda shoulda’s , that pervaded my thoughts.

For years I felt like an impostor even saying that my epitaph would be ‘I told you I’d get away with it’. That was all down to the internal self-talk that was going on, and the unhelpful suggestions I made to my unconscious mind.

Negative internal self-talking dialogue can be debilitating and it’s easy to get consumed by it. And when it does, it’s so hard to flip it into a positive and recognise your success and achievement, and the good things that have gone on in your life.

Sometimes we need helping hand to do that.

That’s what I did as part of a coach training group I’m in

The problem was, I’d convinced myself that no one would want to hear my message and what I had to say. The realisation was that over the course of my life I’ve had a lot of successes.

?? I did pass music exams as a performer and then had a career in music as a musician in the army. I performed at concerts on a national and international stage. I performed at many state occasions, including Trooping the Colour and the wedding of our now King Charles and Lady Diana Spencer.

?? I competed in sailing at club, county and national level, against some of the best in the country.

?? I’ve been paid as a speaker at an event hosted by a recognised professional organisation for project managers and I’ve spoken live in front of 1000 paying customers.

?? I successfully ran the biggest IT project for the company I worked for and set the standards for project management in several organisations.

?? I’ve created and delivered training courses in NLP, Hypnosis, Goal Achievement and prioritisation.

?? I've written several e-books in being and engaging speaker, goal setting, sales and personal development.

I’ve trained and being examined in personal development techniques and being certified as a trainer of NLP, Hypnosis, Timeline Therapy ? and NLP Coaching.

?? I’m just one step away from being certified as a Business Growth Coach and also accredited with an international recognised coaching organisation.

?? This time next year I’ll graduate with a diploma/degree in digital marketing with the chartered Institute of marketing.

The great American author Andy Andrews talks in his book about how hitting the bottom of the pool is a great place to be. When you kick up from the bottom of the pool you can reach higher than those that haven’t hit the bottom.

Let me tell you, if you’ve hit the bottom of the pool as I have, you’ll know about it both emotionally and physically! It’s debilitating and disempowering.

It's one of the reasons why I believe I can help people both with their own personal development, to overcome mindset related issues and their marketing, because I’ve been there.

So each night when I write my journal and look at my successes, the lessons learned and recite my daily mantra, one of the things I tell myself is, ‘I am good enough’, ‘I do know my stuff’ and I have every right to speak my truth and tell my story, just as you do.

So it’s time to put my money where my mouth is.

I’m hosting a marketing masterclass on 14th December. It’s called ‘???????????????????? ???????? ???????????????? ????????????: ?????????????? ?? ???????????? ???????????????????? ???? ?????????? ?????????????? ?????? ?????????????? ????????-?????????? ??????????????’. Its’ free and its live on zoom so you get to asg live questions.

Drop me a comment below and say yes please if you want to discover what those three strategies are .



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